As I was driving to work this afternoon, I saw this sticker on a truck. It made me think about what's going on with our world. With all the hype about the downward spiral of the worlds economy and all the fear the media has put into us. Maybe we're thinking the wrong way about things. Instead of God bless America, maybe it should be "America, Bless God." We always put our needs first and always put Gods last. Maybe this is another wake up call from God, like 911.
Sometimes I believe God lets bad things happen to give us a wake up call to the way we live. I'm not saying God does things evil things, but I think He allows things to happen that just lay us down flat on our backs and gives us a chance to look toward heaven. He opens our eyes and allows us to see how we're acting. How horrible we live out our daily lives and how irresponsible we really are. It's always me,me,me. Not, what does God need me to do for him today. Instead it's all about our lives and our schedules and how we are going to fit all this junk in our lives into a 24 hour day.
It's time we turn things around and fit our fast paced fully scheduled lives into a Godly outlook. I try to get our family to look at things like this. I don't like to be rushed around, I'm never in a hurry about anything. It can drive Shannon up the wall. She looks way to far ahead into the future and I just look forward to the next day. I don't want to be like everybody else and be all in a rush about everything. It's time we get our heads out of the scheduled life and focus on what we can do for God.
Maybe things will get better if we bless God and do his will. Ask in your prayers how we can be of service to Him and not worry so much about ourselves. It's time we all lose our selfishness and start living for the one who graciously gives us all things. Yes, the economy is bad and it will gain its strength again. But , God is a "jealous" God and needs are full attention. He needs are arms and legs to move his will forward. He will remain steady at work on the economy, but we need to pay attention on his needs. He wants to be praised, and heard. He wants our time. Not a certain scheduled time but all our time. Focus your schedules around His time not our time.
Little Jimmy can miss a soccer practice every once in awhile, but a missed prayer time can be devastating to all of us. Pray unceasingly is what the Bible states. Any time you have or any free time pray a little prayer. Talk to God and give him the thanks he deserves and then give your request to him. As I blew the garden center out tonight, I didn't think about what I have to do tomorrow or anything else. I talked to God and had some personal time with him. It felt good to be alone and be able to thank Him for all things that were good and bad today.
Its time America blesses God. Ands then He will bless America even more.
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