This is the sweetest little picture. This little frog is considered by God. A tiny little creature that depends on his Creator to make him work.
I often wonder about the make up of the bodies of such little creatures. I remember cutting open one of these boogers in 8th grade science class, and couldn't believe how small everything was. Everything was so tiny and yet it all worked just as God had intended. Amazing!
This little frog has a lot more worries than we do. His size allows him to be vulnerable to any predator in the wild. He doesn't have really any defense techniques to protect himself. I believe hiding under a rock or diving in the water would be the only way to protect himself. Yet God made him special for a certain reason. I don't know what his certain reason would be but to keep the food chain and the circle of life continuing. Yet he was designed by a living creator.
We like the little frog were created for a reason, God made us by special design. There is only one design of all of us, no one else in this world has our design. We are specially made by God, no body has our thoughts, talents or our desires for life. We all our humans and have the same patterns when it comes to skeletons, body functions, body parts. But not our DNA make up, God made us all the same but different in so many ways.
There is a reason that God designed us the way he did. I took a brief look at what i can do for people and the reason God designed me the way he did. Many people can make others laugh, but my ability to just pull things out of no where can just make people laugh hysterically. I don't know where it comes from, but I can do it so easily. I have always thrived on my humor and the ability to make people to laugh. I don't like to see people in bad moods and hurting so I bring a little humor to fill their lives. Maybe that one moment in time of laughter will make that person feel better.
I have a friend back home that is probably one of my favorite people to be around. Sometimes he was a pest, but we thrived off each other. When I was in a bad mood he brought me out of it by making me laugh and I did the same for him. That's all we did was laugh and laugh to the point of sore ribs and light headiness. I never saw anybody here at school enjoy laughing as much as we did. So usually when I need to laugh I call Heath and it's an hour of complete stupidity. It usually makes Shannon mad at me because I usually call when the kids are asleep and she's afraid I am going to wake up the kids. But it always makes my day when we talk. So my point of all of that is I was created to bring people the joy of laughter.
What is your nature or talent of being here? Find it by examining your daily life and remember you were designed for a reason. It may be a small thing but it could be huge to someone else. Getting back to the frog. We are just like that little creature though. we are all vulnerable to the predators of life. The bible say "We all considered sheep to be slaughtered." Yet we have a Savior and a God that loves us so much that he will protect us in any danger. Use your life as a gift and use it as much as you can.
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