This man should be full of shame. While being the CEO of Lehman Brothers firm he hoarded money beyond belief. While all their share holders lost everything, he took home $489 million.
Our country is suffering for our very own greed. I don't believe we will ever get out of this mess. We all need to pray about our greed. And hope God will answer us soon.
This man should take all his millions and pay it back to those who lost out on the bankruptcy. Then he needs to get a job slopping pigs and learn the humbleness of God. When asked if he thought it was right to take home such a large sum of money and his shareholders lose everything, he went around the question. His greed wouldn't let him answer. It states in the Bible: "It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle, than for a rich man to go to heaven." Pray we will all make it through this financial problem, and we can all learn to live within our means. That includes me also!
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