You know I have really come to notice in the past couple of months that our world has more liars than I originally thought. We have more cheaters and ignorant politicians than I thought we had. Our finacial world is in ruin because of a bunch of liars. Our politicians are all nothing but a bunch of selfish evil people.
How can you have American pride when all this garbage is going on. The rich support the rich and they all keep getting richer, but little do they know that their tail ends are smoldering of Hell's smoke.
When people say that the Church is a joke and all they do is lie to its followers, they to me are foolish. Last night as I sat in church, I found no lies or any deceit come out of the mouths of those speaking. There was no name calling and nobody was bringing anybody down. The hour that we sat there and sang praises to our Lord and listened to a very uplifting message, I felt that this is the only good thing going good for our world. While Palin and MCain spend other peoples money for their own wardrobes. $150,000 in fact of peoples money. Many went hungry and had no place to sleep. But others on Wednesday night gave God his praise he was do, and prayed for those who needed prayers. This is the only place in America where no one will lie to you. People will build you up and not tear you down.
Our country is one big lie and I have had my fill of it, but I will never get my fill of Church and its love for one another. Follow the election and soak yourself in their lies or go to church and get filled with the spirit of God. I choose the church, will you?
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