"Don't let your past determine your future."
You know that is a true statement. Many think about doing something in their life and they let past things keep them from doing it. They set their minds on heir inability or past mistakes. Many see themselves as already failures and never launch their dreams. I know there are things I could do, but I always look at the impossibilities. I know there is a growing need for a wholesale nursery here in Searcy. But I look at the economy and the fear of not being able to make any money in this town. I see a lot of landscapers coming into Lowe's and getting a 10% discount and that isn't enough to make any money on. But things stop me from doing anything about it.
Do you ever wonder if God has a plan for you? I do believe there is something planned for all of us. But trying to find it ourselves is difficult and very time consuming. I'm listening to a song by a group called Switchfoot. It's titled "This your life." Chorus goes "this is your life, are you who you want to be. Is it everything you want it to be, when the world was younger and you had everything to lose."
I need to be around people who are inspiring, then that inspires and motivates me. I'm usually not around to many inspiring people though. My friend Al who recently past away, inspired me. He loved what he did. He took every plant he potted and gave me a reason why he liked that plant. He was in his sweet spot,and he didn't want to be anywhere else. I love being around people like that. One person that inspired me was Brian Beckett. He loves landscaping and he is just a very positive person, I wish I had one half of his dedication and talent. I truly believe working for Beckett's showed me the responsibility to enjoy work and strive for perfection and love what you do. I'm thankful that I worked for them and still wish I did. But I am not really around that kind of inspiration, now I have to urge it on for myself. But I do love the nursery business, it's nice to be outside and be around nature. But I wonder if this is my sweet spot. This is a term used by Max Lucado in his book "Cure for the Common life." Your "sweet spot" is your calling in life. What you are meant to do or what you enjoy doing. But I think there is something for me to do.
We need continue to grow spiritually and mentally. We must seek a new adventure and not grow stagnant. Rivers and creeks must continue to flow, or they become stagnant and stinky. Try something new and become better at some thing you already do or never have done.
1 comment:
I tell ya clint, your blog is CONSTANTLY what I'm feeling lol. Are you a twin brother that I got seperated from at birth lol???
Everyday I feel like I should be doing more to earn those treasures in heaven we are to strive for?
But no time!!!
I run my home, run a full time daycare, homeschool 3 kids and want to do more for the cause of Christ. I don't have time to make meals or the sick or visit the homeless....I just don't feel like I"m doing enough....
What to do??
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