Sunday, May 31, 2009

Your Hallowed Name, O May I Bear With Honor

Shouldn't we be honored to wear the hallowed name of our Father in heaven. Do we really see what we are supposed to be? A son of the faithful Creator. Honored to bear His name, is a privilege we often forget. We always want the perks in this life, but we often forget the perks of Heaven we shall receive one day. Perks unimaginable to our puny minds.

Today reach out to God and thank Him for His name that we all bear, and should always be the example of Him who serves us daily.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

Blessed Are The Merciful

I'm usually a person who doesn't give others many chances. I expect things to be done right or expect to act in a certain manner. I have no patience when somebody messes up my order at McDonald's. I really assume people will do things right and learn from their mistakes. I guess I need to learn to be more merciful.
A long time ago I wrote about a girl I work with that showed up to work drunk and they let her off the hook. She has done it a few times in the past and it really irritated me a lot. I would've fired her on the spot if she would've come into my business like that.
So last week she came in two days in a row drunk. I couldn't believe they let her off the hook again. Except this time she has to go to rehab and prove her plea to get help. That is the only reason she kept her job, she pleaded for help. Addicts always know how to pull the wool over the other persons eyes. So the other person says OK and gives them another chance. Why? I try to understand, I am a person who would rather allow the that person to suffer and see what life is like when no one is merciful. I feel that is the only way the person can learn. Break it off and let them learn the hard way. I still believe in that concept. If you keep giving in, the addict is going to keep using you. That is their way of surviving the life they live. If you keep bailing them out of jail they will continue getting in trouble. Because they know someone will come to their rescue. I say leave them in jail and face their punishment and maybe they will learn their lesson.
Our world continues to show mercy to people who are addicted to things. It doesn't have to be a drug or alcohol to be an addiction. Power is an addiction. Look at North Korea's dictator. Again the man continues to defy international pressure against firing his missiles. He knows he can get away with it and he will just continue to to pose his threats until someone says "OK what do you want and we will give it to you." I say blow him up and things will be better for all of us. But that is not the right way to handle the situation, but it would end the problem.
Addiction is a problem for all of us. You may say, "I'm not addicted to anything!" But we all are in some way. Just sit down and think about it. I really hope my co-worker does get control over her addiction. She really has a severe problem and it needs to be dealt with. It's hard to be merciful some times but God is the most merciful of all. How many times have we gone to Our Lord and said I promise I won't do it again. And what does He do? He forgives again and again and again and again. Every day we say the same things over and over and he still forgives us. I need to be merciful. How about you?

Saturday, May 23, 2009

A Hungry World

"And may you feed a hungry world through me."

This phrase can pierce your heart. It got me thinking. I know what I am supposed to be doing, but I am not doing it. We are to feed His sheep. Are we doing it?

Our world is hungry for understanding. It needs some kind of reasoning and healing. Our people our hurt and confused. We as Christians are not completely doing our Lord's work like we should. I am in that category too. There are many though who are doing their share, but there are many of us who are slacking in this department. Again I fall short in the Lord's work. And I am ashamed of it.

I work with many who know nothing about their Lord and are lost. Wandering around not knowing their purpose. Satan does play a large role in our procrastination. HE makes other things more important than doing the Lord's work.

We went to Little Rock today and landed in the Old Navy store. They had Flip- Flops for a dollar a pair. When we walked in the door I couldn't believe my eyes in what I saw. A store full of women with lots of these flip - flops in their hands. The lines at the register was almost at the back of the store. I was ready to go! A large crowd of women makes nervous. It was just Crazy! We stayed a little while, then Shannon felt it was a waste of time. Thank goodness!!!!!!!

But I thought about that situation the whole day. The "craze" that was driven by a pair shoes made out of foam, rubber and two straps to keep them on your feet was not God's intentions for all of us in that store. He had other jobs for us today, but Satan made it a top priority for us. What are we doing with His time?

I am focusing this blog on the topic of service this week. Serving others, our driven purpose for our lives and others. A lot of times I have service on my mind, but have no idea where to start or know who needs my attention. It's tough, but the littlest things can bring goodness to others. You don't have to go out and feed the multitudes like Jesus did. But we can serve the tiniest of groups and God will see our goodness to others. Our world is hungry. Don't think that people don't want your help because they do. We need to ask God where we can share His goodness to someone and He will reveal a lot of things you can do. I have had three ideas on my mind that would really be good, just haven't hit the motivation button yet. Look at your world around you and see the needs of others. Remember it's not our time we're wasting it's His.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Did You See God At Work Today?

I saw God at work today. I didn't realize it, but I did. As the day slowly turned into night I saw God surrounded by a campfire tonight. I looked at my son Brayden and saw a child healed by God. A couple of weeks ago I saw a different child. A child that wasn't himself who was sick and I saw a very scared child. And we were two very scared parents with no answers from the doctors. Tonight he went to his final cub scout meeting and was playing with his friends and throwing things in the fire to watch them burn. I looked up to the tree covered canopy and just looked at its beauty and was amazed that God had shown me his miracle. A healthy son.
If you didn't see God today then you walked into His creation blinded. His creation was a sight to behold. I saw it and I stand in awe! What a vision of beauty. God has never let us down. We tend to think he has because we are selfish and want the answer now.
I looked at that campfire tonight and was given a thought by Him. Fire is a basic commodity these days. With all the modern technology we have to heat with today. We don't realize how important it was back in history for people to use it to keep warm. God gave our ancestors fire so they would not freeze. Even then God was at work. He kept them safe and warm from the elements. To them it was a gift. Tonight it was a gift to me to see God has kept us from sinking in this world. Look at everything there is to look at in this world and realize it is God who gave it to us. It is a gift we don't deserve and never will. Yet through His love and mercy He felt he needed to give us these things so we can realize we are not alone. He is here and he is giving us every opportunity to see Him.
Every breath, He is working.
Every finger movement, He did that.
Every bird that sings, He did that.
Every leaf on a tree, He counted them and made them come alive.
Look and see he is working!

Friday, May 15, 2009


You know I've been hearing a lot about this word lately. I didn't know what it really was. Now I do. It's pretty awful what they do to these detainees. But why torture these people. They don't care if they die. That is their whole plan. They are martyrs for their religion. They believe they will receive great blessings by killing other people in the name of Allah. They also believe they will receive 3,000 women when they get to their eternal destiny.
After watching 24 for the 8 seasons its been on. They want Jack Bauer arrested for his torturous ways of interrogating criminals. They talk once he tortures them. So I guess you got to do what you got to do to get the info you need. Really I'm not for torture at all. If our country whats to be respected, torture is not the way to go.

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

What Comes Between Us and God? Our Stumbling Block For Not Serving Him

Sin- a word, thought, or act against the law of God.

I have been thinking the past couple of months of what things or sin that is keeping me from being complete in Christ. We all know the big sins or what we call the big sins are. Yet God doesn't see any sin greater than any other one. All sin is equal to him. He doesn't rank them, He sees them all the same. I often worry about things I may do or say and really get worried about doing them. I do my best to try and keep a tight reign on my words and my thoughts every day. Yet I can't be perfect all the time. But there are so many things that keep us form being close to Jesus. We sometimes don't even realize what they are.

One of my biggest things is worrying about money. I just don't know why I do. But I do. It's constantly on my mind. I'm tired of it. Money is our God here on earth. It keeps us from doing our duty for God. Every day we go to work to get money. We have to pay our bills and keep food on our tables. I don't worry about not having money for material possessions. I don't have to keep up with others. That's just not my thing. But I worry about not having enough to pay our bills. I worry something catastrophic may happen and not having the money to pay it. Like something in the house breaking down. I don't want to have to use the credit card to pay for it. It's just another trick of Satan to keep us from doing our duty for God. I sometimes wonder if God wanted us to create money. I really don't think this is a blessing of God. Yet many preach this as a blessing of God.

Did Jesus have money? The only time I remember the Bible telling of Jesus having money was when he pulled the coin out of the fishes mouth to pay taxes to Caesar. That is the only time I can remember. I may be wrong but it is the only time. So if Jesus didn't have money, why do we have to have it? I know! We don't want to be out on the streets and having to look for food to feed our family. Life is tough. Maybe we should have more faith in God.

But there are so many things that Satan puts in front of us to keep us away from the Lord. TV is one. I wish I didn't have one. If it wasn't for loving sports so much I wouldn't need it. There is nothing worth watching on it anymore.

I need to make a list to see what is keeping me from serving my Lord. We all need more time to be with God. More time to tell our children about the importance of serving Christ and others. Our world is so into making us seem that we need this and that to be satisfied. We come to realize that it will never satisfy us one bit. We are having a severe separation anxiety attack daily. Many don't realize that to be with God in His presence is the only way to be satisfied. So we are wanting more to fill the void of not being with God. We don't realize that we are longing for God to be in our presence. Until we see Him in His glory then we will be completely satisfied. Until then we will reach for other things in this world to try and satisfy us. Satan will try to fill this thirst for God with many sinful things to keep us from Him. We need to stay grounded in God and tell others who are lost that the sinful things here on Earth will pass away. But God will never pass from us. Let's not worry so much on our need for satisfaction and get right with God and tell Him how sorry we are for looking to other things to keep us satisfied.

Our children need us as parents to not be so possessive of material things. We need to tell them how our Father in heaven can satisfy all our needs. To Him is where all our praise should be, not by what we possess. Don't make a name for yourself, make name for him. Let's focus on Him not ourselves. Let's be humble in all we do. Make a list and see what is keeping us all from living in the Lord.

Friday, May 08, 2009

Prayers Have Been Answered For My Son Brayden

Wednesday morning we woke up to the normal acting Brayden. I have never been so happy in my life than this moment. When you see your child go from healthy to just not being his normal self it's alarming. We have had three days of grace from God. I have been so excited to see him just behaving like he normally does. I enjoyed hearing him back in his room playing with his toys and I also enjoyed him fighting with his brother and sister. But the fighting was short lived.
It is fearful to see your child go through the sickness he went through the past couple of weeks. It was very frightening to us. We had no clue what was going on half the time. Our prayers and the prayers of many allowed God to do His thing. He heard us plead for his mercy and just make things the way they used to be and He did. I'm thankful so very thankful for His healing power. I will tell everybody how great our God is. Won't you?

Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Patience With God

When things go wrong they can go wrong quickly. As the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours!" When things are going good, bad things can happen fast. It seems this the way things have been for most of us here in Arkansas.
But we have been patient here in waiting for answers to our prayers. As I had mentioned my son Brayden has had two very bad weeks. But he has had a goodnight so far. He started to have a little panic attack tonight but I talked to him and told I have had them and so has his Mom. I told him you just have to remember God is helping and you have to remain calm and breath. So I ask for your continued prayers for him.
I remember someone saying Satan attacks us most when things are going good. He wants no good in our lives to happen. But when things are going bad what is the first thing most of us do? We pray. Then he makes us impatient on waiting on the answers. If we stay strong in our patience God will answer.
Bad things happen to us all. I consider this part of suffering in Christ. We must take on the sufferings and know that is part of living in Christ. Yet at the end of the race we know something better is going to happen to us. Everyday compete in the race for eternal life. And at the end of the race hopefully we stayed strong in Christ and he will show us our trophy room. Take on the sufferings of life no matter what they are, and remember to be patient with God. Because He has been patient with us. Really patient!

Monday, May 04, 2009

God's Grace And Mercy In Times Of Great Need.

As we approached the visitation of the girl tonight who was murdered by her husband. I didn't know what it was going to be like. I thought there would be a lot of crying, but there was very little. The family has shed their tears and are shedding them right now.
I was amazed of how strong they were. I sat there and just really felt I was missing something. I know I wouldn't have that kind of strength. I would probably have not showed up. I can get very emotional about things like death. As I walked around I just knew I was seeing the mercy of our God. He kept those in deep sorrow calm and allowed His grace to be shown. A lot of people poured into the heritage lobby tonight. They had one thing on their mind. To comfort the hurting and give them love. It's such a shocking event. It just blows my mind. That's God for you. He still amazes me every day I live.
I am strongly against murder. I don't know why someone would ever do such a thing. I feel it is the unforgivable sin. To take God's creation and decide to end it for yourself is hideous and deserving of Satan's pain. But God doesn't look at it like that. He is a forgiving God as long as the person who did it ask for His forgiveness. Amazing!
If someone did that to that to one of my children I would ask the judge to put me in the same cell with the one who did it and I would give them what they deserved. I'm just like that!
Her husband was released from jail and allowed to go home to his parents in Atlanta. No monitor and his passport was not taken away. He has been charged with 2nd degree murder charges. The judge is foolish and has no regard for the family of the victim. The world makes no sense does it ???????????

Visitation Tonight.

I really don't like the scene of death. It just bothers me a lot. I'm sure we all feel the same. When I usually attend a funeral (which has been a long time) I often think where that person is. I wonder sometimes if they are watching their own funeral and visitation. Probably not. But where are they? It's a question we just can't answer. Somebody once said that death is the only chapter man cannot write. So true.
It's such a sad visitation we will attend tonight. This is the girl Micah who was shot by her husband and then he dumped her body by the river. Very ignorant and shameful. People have said to pray for him and his family because they are sad too. That is very hard to do, but it is something God would want us to do.
I ask for you to pray for the Rine family as they say goodbye to their daughter in the next few days. How sad it is to say goodbye to someone so young. I hope her husband realizes how many people he has effected with his stupid decision. He thought one bullet would kill one person. One bullet killed her and thousands of those emotionally who loved and knew her. We need to all think about our actions before we act on them! God bless us all!

Saturday, May 02, 2009

What A Bad Week.

This has turned out to be one of the worst weeks ever. My son Brayden is still needing prayers. The medicine he had a reaction with is still giving him troubles with hallucinating. Everyone keeps saying that it will eventually wear off and he will be alright. I hope and pray for a full recovery. I humbly ask for your prayers also.
Last night a friend of mine from back home who resides here in Searcy. His daughter came up missing. It was said that she went for a walk around 8 pm and never returned. So everyone here in Searcy started to pray for this family. When I got home from work my wife met me at the door to tell me some very bad news. Her husband shot her and murdered her and dumped her on the bank of a river in Bartlett, TN. What a horrible man!!!!!!! I hope he gets what he deserves. I wish I could talk to him and tell him what I thought. As a Christian I pray that he is forgiven. As a human being I hope he rots in a cell for life. I could hardly sleep last night. I thought about what my friends are going through and how great a loss this is for them. Why didn't the idiot just walk away and not harm her? I have no answers!
I got passed over for a promotion last night at work. They were on their way to give to me, instead they gave it to a girl who complains about her job and doesn't work with a flip. I am still upset about it, but God may have other plans for me. Let's all pray for a better week.