I'm usually a person who doesn't give others many chances. I expect things to be done right or expect to act in a certain manner. I have no patience when somebody messes up my order at McDonald's. I really assume people will do things right and learn from their mistakes. I guess I need to learn to be more merciful.
A long time ago I wrote about a girl I work with that showed up to work drunk and they let her off the hook. She has done it a few times in the past and it really irritated me a lot. I would've fired her on the spot if she would've come into my business like that.
So last week she came in two days in a row drunk. I couldn't believe they let her off the hook again. Except this time she has to go to rehab and prove her plea to get help. That is the only reason she kept her job, she pleaded for help. Addicts always know how to pull the wool over the other persons eyes. So the other person says OK and gives them another chance. Why? I try to understand, I am a person who would rather allow the that person to suffer and see what life is like when no one is merciful. I feel that is the only way the person can learn. Break it off and let them learn the hard way. I still believe in that concept. If you keep giving in, the addict is going to keep using you. That is their way of surviving the life they live. If you keep bailing them out of jail they will continue getting in trouble. Because they know someone will come to their rescue. I say leave them in jail and face their punishment and maybe they will learn their lesson.
Our world continues to show mercy to people who are addicted to things. It doesn't have to be a drug or alcohol to be an addiction. Power is an addiction. Look at North Korea's dictator. Again the man continues to defy international pressure against firing his missiles. He knows he can get away with it and he will just continue to to pose his threats until someone says "OK what do you want and we will give it to you." I say blow him up and things will be better for all of us. But that is not the right way to handle the situation, but it would end the problem.
Addiction is a problem for all of us. You may say, "I'm not addicted to anything!" But we all are in some way. Just sit down and think about it. I really hope my co-worker does get control over her addiction. She really has a severe problem and it needs to be dealt with. It's hard to be merciful some times but God is the most merciful of all. How many times have we gone to Our Lord and said I promise I won't do it again. And what does He do? He forgives again and again and again and again. Every day we say the same things over and over and he still forgives us. I need to be merciful. How about you?
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