Sin- a word, thought, or act against the law of God.
I have been thinking the past couple of months of what things or sin that is keeping me from being complete in Christ. We all know the big sins or what we call the big sins are. Yet God doesn't see any sin greater than any other one. All sin is equal to him. He doesn't rank them, He sees them all the same. I often worry about things I may do or say and really get worried about doing them. I do my best to try and keep a tight reign on my words and my thoughts every day. Yet I can't be perfect all the time. But there are so many things that keep us form being close to Jesus. We sometimes don't even realize what they are.
One of my biggest things is worrying about money. I just don't know why I do. But I do. It's constantly on my mind. I'm tired of it. Money is our God here on earth. It keeps us from doing our duty for God. Every day we go to work to get money. We have to pay our bills and keep food on our tables. I don't worry about not having money for material possessions. I don't have to keep up with others. That's just not my thing. But I worry about not having enough to pay our bills. I worry something catastrophic may happen and not having the money to pay it. Like something in the house breaking down. I don't want to have to use the credit card to pay for it. It's just another trick of Satan to keep us from doing our duty for God. I sometimes wonder if God wanted us to create money. I really don't think this is a blessing of God. Yet many preach this as a blessing of God.
Did Jesus have money? The only time I remember the Bible telling of Jesus having money was when he pulled the coin out of the fishes mouth to pay taxes to Caesar. That is the only time I can remember. I may be wrong but it is the only time. So if Jesus didn't have money, why do we have to have it? I know! We don't want to be out on the streets and having to look for food to feed our family. Life is tough. Maybe we should have more faith in God.
But there are so many things that Satan puts in front of us to keep us away from the Lord. TV is one. I wish I didn't have one. If it wasn't for loving sports so much I wouldn't need it. There is nothing worth watching on it anymore.
I need to make a list to see what is keeping me from serving my Lord. We all need more time to be with God. More time to tell our children about the importance of serving Christ and others. Our world is so into making us seem that we need this and that to be satisfied. We come to realize that it will never satisfy us one bit. We are having a severe separation anxiety attack daily. Many don't realize that to be with God in His presence is the only way to be satisfied. So we are wanting more to fill the void of not being with God. We don't realize that we are longing for God to be in our presence. Until we see Him in His glory then we will be completely satisfied. Until then we will reach for other things in this world to try and satisfy us. Satan will try to fill this thirst for God with many sinful things to keep us from Him. We need to stay grounded in God and tell others who are lost that the sinful things here on Earth will pass away. But God will never pass from us. Let's not worry so much on our need for satisfaction and get right with God and tell Him how sorry we are for looking to other things to keep us satisfied.
Our children need us as parents to not be so possessive of material things. We need to tell them how our Father in heaven can satisfy all our needs. To Him is where all our praise should be, not by what we possess. Don't make a name for yourself, make name for him. Let's focus on Him not ourselves. Let's be humble in all we do. Make a list and see what is keeping us all from living in the Lord.
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