Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Patience With God

When things go wrong they can go wrong quickly. As the saying goes, "When it rains, it pours!" When things are going good, bad things can happen fast. It seems this the way things have been for most of us here in Arkansas.
But we have been patient here in waiting for answers to our prayers. As I had mentioned my son Brayden has had two very bad weeks. But he has had a goodnight so far. He started to have a little panic attack tonight but I talked to him and told I have had them and so has his Mom. I told him you just have to remember God is helping and you have to remain calm and breath. So I ask for your continued prayers for him.
I remember someone saying Satan attacks us most when things are going good. He wants no good in our lives to happen. But when things are going bad what is the first thing most of us do? We pray. Then he makes us impatient on waiting on the answers. If we stay strong in our patience God will answer.
Bad things happen to us all. I consider this part of suffering in Christ. We must take on the sufferings and know that is part of living in Christ. Yet at the end of the race we know something better is going to happen to us. Everyday compete in the race for eternal life. And at the end of the race hopefully we stayed strong in Christ and he will show us our trophy room. Take on the sufferings of life no matter what they are, and remember to be patient with God. Because He has been patient with us. Really patient!

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