Tuesday, January 20, 2009


I can honestly say I have lost a lot of faith in our government and political leaders over the past 8 years. I know we have had some great things to deal with within those years, but I just lost my faith in our leaders. Over the past 8 years I have strengthened my faith in our spiritual leader above and have come to see we all are here for a different reason.
We have become a nation of greed and material possession, a nation that once feared God and held him in high esteem. We once road the clouds with our Creator, and have lost our faith and fallen to the ground. I don't' know what the outcome of some of Obama's promises will be. But if government has its way none will come to pass, because of all the red tape. But I do pray for him and that his eagerness to lead our nation of the hole it is in will be great and good. I also believe our Father in heaven will lead us out if we allow him to come into our hearts and give him the love and praise he longs for. Then and only then will we be in the clear and live in the grace that only God can provide.
I love what our nation stands for and the way we have always defended our right to freedom. Our land is free because God allowed it to be free. Our people of the past were not given freedom, we earned it through many battles and loss. Yet we maintained it because God saw their passion to be free and he made it happen. A loss of our faith in our creator has brought us to see strife and pain. Many still don't see a creator and don't except that he is involved in our lives, our country and our freedom. God wants to be apart of our freedom and our lives, so that his glory will be praised and that his grace may be lavished on us.
I've heard all the arguments about our new President and how many fear and how many faithfully don't. Unity is what will help us all, and unity in a living God will be our greatest asset. I don't fear any new leader or any man because my faith has grown and I believe there is another Earth and a new heaven coming forth where there will be no fear and no pain or worry. We are just a mist that appears for a little while and then vanishes. Our home is not here but in another place. But as long as I am here making tracks upon this earth I will put God first country second and everything else last. WE are Christians first and Americans there after. May God bless our country once again and may we bless our God forever.

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