I got annoyed by two things this morning that just ruffle my feathers. My number 1 annoyance is pictured to the left, but this didn't annoy me this morning because it's winter and there are no flies right now. They do annoy the snot out of me though. You could be in the worlds largest building and a fly will find you and fly around your food. No matter what.
Walmart is one place that just annoys me. As we were leaving this morning there were six cars lined up waiting on one car. Can you guess why they were tying up the parking lot? They were waiting on someone to pull out because they were parked in a close space. I just don't like that when people do that. My theory is quit being lazy and walk, for crying out loud!
My second annoyance today was as we were coming back from Walmart to get home. I passed the hospital and just got angered. There is a street that runs between the hospital and a shopping center. The ER is on this side. As you drive on this street you can always see a ton of smokers standing there smoking. But the real reason it bothers me is when you see a patient standing there with an IV bag along side them and they are dressed in a hospital gown. They are sitting there smoking. How stupid can you be? Do they know how dumb this is? Anyhow, there was an older lady there today and she was in a wheelchair and the wind is awful today and it is cold and she is trying to light one up. I almost stopped and said, "The smoking is the reason you are in here, are you just ignorant?" It's funny all the brains that are inside that hospital. You would think they would not allow them to go outside and smoke. Just plain STUPID! I feel better now. Please comment and tell me your annoying things that bother you. I need to hear them!
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