As we were eating barbecue sandwiches at home the other night. I got to thinking of who the smart person was who made this combo such a great idea. The combo of pulled pork barbecue and coleslaw. It has to be one the greatest duo's of taste ever. I just love it!
There are so many good combo's that came to my mind that night as I thought about blogging about the subject. What great combo's can you think of that have just made life better? Here are some of mine.
1) Grilled cheese and Tomato soup.
2) Chips and dip.
3) Cheese and peperoni.
4) The Steelers and the Super Bowl. (I had to say that)
5) McDonald's double cheeseburger meal with a coke.
6) Onion rings and Ketchup.
7) Batman and Robin.
8) Americans and football.
9) Paper and the pen.
10) Singing and Worship.
11) Christ and our Holy Father!
I had some better combo's in my mind, but somehow I forgot them. I hope you understand what I am talking about. Life has things in it that has caught our attention and have made life better. Whether it has to do with taste or entertainment or just random things in life. It seems things come better in pairs. Hardly anything good comes from one thing or one person, a team effort is always the best choice and shows the best results. As I have been reading another John Elderedge book titled "Wild at Heart." It has made me see one combo that has always failed yet has had many results and then continues to fail consistently. It is the combination of "Our Heart and God." It seems to be our only combo that we just can't get right or understand.
Why is that? When you look at the duo's I listed above they all seem to go great together, but our heart just doesn't want to pair up with it's partner. I guess when it comes to dipping an onion ring into ketchup there is nothing between it and the ketchup to stop it. But when it comes to our heart we have Satan continuously keeping us from the grace and love of our Father in heaven. Satan is the defensive line between us and the holy end zone. He keeps us from being one with our Creator and reaching the eternal trophy of glory.
Our heart is what God wants. He wants to come in and heal our wounds and be one with us. God is reaching for us. He is cheering us on. He is the one holding the John 3:16 sign in the end zone seats. As I read this book it tells that we need to see our great divide or our wound. That which keeps us from allowing God in. Those of us that have accepted God through baptism and have received the grace of forgiveness still have a wound somewhere. A slight separation from God that allows us to not see our potential in Him or our oneness with Him. I laid in bed one night after reading this book and just thought what is my wound that does not allow this combination with my Lord to come together. I'm still working on it though, but I have a few ideas. Yet I still haven't found it, I will ask Him to come in and find the reason for the Grand Canyon that is between Him and I.
I really hope some will read this book and the others by John Elderedge and see what he is getting at. It has really opened my eyes. I pray we all can find our true oneness with God and His Son Jesus and see how incredible it will be to be complete in the Holy Trinity. To come to an understanding of what life means in general and see what it was all about. True oneness!
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