Thursday, May 29, 2008
A Tearful Video, Please Watch

Wednesday, May 28, 2008
Ever Heard Of Laminin?
Tuesday, May 27, 2008
Everything is Beautiful

Ahh....... Di Carlo's Pizza!
Monday, May 26, 2008
Memorial Day 2008

Friday, May 23, 2008
Gas Prices of Yesterday, Today And Tomorrow : (
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
The Holy PepTalk

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Prayers For Hannah

God Answers Those Who Call On Him.

They are going through some rough times with their loss of Ethan and have been wondering when things will get better and he is trying to find answers somewhere to ease their pain. Go to http://www.ethanpowell.com/ and read the post dated on the 19th. It made me feel alot better for them to finally get an answer to something. God bless the Powell's and may He bless us in our times of distress.
Sunday, May 18, 2008
The Full Moon

Another reason is that I take for granted the light at night that God has given us. Another reason to believe in a Creator. To see a floating ball of rock and dust and to see that He made it a beautiful sight by shining the sun upon it. The moon has been a guiding light for many people of this planet. Just think about how it has led many through the complete darkness. It's time we all look to the night time sky and see God's beauty.
Well I am excited to see the Penguins going to the Stanley Cup finals. Did they ever deserve it by knocking the snot out of the Flyers by a score of 6-0. WOW! Go Pens!
Last nights post was a little cruel but it is what I feel. Remember it's Clint's thoughts and it's my opinion. You don't have to agree with what I said, everybody has their own opinions on every situation. But it's funny after I wrote the post I headed to bed and opened my Bible to read. I decided to just open it and I surprisingly landed on Romans 1: 18-32. Read it and you'll be surprised by what it says. Coincidence ? I think not! I don't hate the gay community I have friends that I have worked with in the past the were of that social group and I respect them as people. But I don't tolerate their behavior and they probably don't agree with me either. They didn't push their beliefs on me and I didn't progress my Biblical beliefs on them. It wasn't a war I was going to win and they knew they couldn't change my opinions either.
But the one girl I worked with on a growing farm here in Searcy a couple of years ago became a good friend of mine. She was gay and had a partner and she was constantly trying to justify it to me and I just listened and never said anything to her. It was as if she was feeling guilty about her choice of lifestyle. I just had nothing to say, there were things I could've said, but I just didn't get involved. I just felt bad for her and wished I could've have said the right thing to make her change her mind, but I couldn't think of anything to say to be the perfect life changer. Maybe I fouled up, but now she is disabled from a bad back surgery. And my prayer for her now is to be able to live pain free and maybe one day she will see the light and change. Who knows?
The tornado comment may have been over the top. I should've said I hope change will occur in San Francisco before God steps in. I had a comment from somebody who basically said I hate gay people because of the tornado comment. Which is far from the truth, I don't hate anybody. Those of you who know me know that's true. So "Anonymous" I rejected your comment because I thought it was inappropriate.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Same Sex Marriage Wins in SF, But Lose Their Chance In The Heavenly Court!!!

I don't hate gay people but I know what the Bible clearly states about homosexuality. And I quote "clearly states." God doesn't except it at all!
God doesn't hate them either just their behavior and their choice on sexuality.
I may make some readers of this post but it's not what I think it's what the Holy Word of God States. It's wrong! They say they were born like that, no I don't believe God would create somebody to be something He doesn't FAVOR. But I know many churches have ignored what the Bible has said about this choice of life style and have allowed Gay priests and pastors in their pulpits. I don't know why they would choose this direction for their flock but they might as well take down the cross from their steeple and put a flame up there. The Devils has a made those institutions a den for his evil work.
I think San Francisco needs a tornado to wipe out the evil it has allowed in for many years. What a shame for a country built on Holy principles.
Wednesday, May 14, 2008
What If God Turned His Back On Us?

Monday, May 12, 2008
My Thought's 4 Today

Sunday, May 11, 2008
Happy Mother's Day

Saturday, May 10, 2008
Funnel Clouds Over Our House :(

So it passed over us and headed north to Bald Knob, from what we heard a tornado landed from that wall cloud in that town. 10 miles from us, pretty scary. That is the closest we have come to a tornado around our house. I've thanked God over and over for keeping us safe.

Friday, May 09, 2008
2008 Harding Academy Senior Mission Trip To Africa Video

I have put a link to a video of the Harding Academy's mission trip to Africa. Hopefully it works, it's my first time to ever link anything. Just click on the green arrow beside the title in the box.
I had always said I would never go on a mission trip over seas because of selfish reasons. I don't want to fly over the ocean. I'm Scared! But if they would give me something to knock me out on the plane I would go. Kind of like they did to Mr. T on the A-team they would give him something to put him to sleep every time they would fly.
Anyhow, after watching this video I decided it might be worth it. If the plane went down at least I was on my way to do something good. Lol! Watch it all the way through, the ending is the best part. May God bless the work of all our missionaries.
Wednesday, May 07, 2008
Brayden has Glasses & Prayers For A St. Judes Child

Monday, May 05, 2008
A Blah Monday!

Sunday, May 04, 2008
God Could Not Have Given A More Perfect Day!
So I took the garbage out tonight and it was still perfect out. The stars were shining and the moon was out gleaming in the sun. So I just took about five minutes and glared into the sky and just wandered in the stars. It's amazing how little I pay attention to the stars but when you do it makes you wonder how amazing the universe is and how deep it goes. I stand in awe of our our Creator!
The pictures I posted are of Camp Takodah. Brayden had his outdoor education there last Thursday and I just love to go there and glare at the scenery. I forget I'm in Arkansas when I am there. It to me is probably the most beautiful place in the state. The river is so peaceful there, flowing so freely and the banks of the river are as green and scenic as you can get. Again who says you can't find God in nature.
WOO-HOO Go Penguins!
Saturday, May 03, 2008
Burn Baby Burn! A Story From Hell!

Friday, May 02, 2008
Arkansas Tornadoes Today, 7 People Killed

Say a prayer for those who have lost lives and homes in these storms in Oklahoma and Arkansas.
Thursday, May 01, 2008
The Mystery is Over, Maybe?