Every game that has taken place in our country and around the world has had to have a pep talk in the locker room. Your favorite team is down by a touchdown, a run or a goal. You know what needs to be done for that team to bounce back to win the game, a pep talk. Or it's the biggest game of the year and nerves are rattled and excitement is in the air for both teams and the coach has to get his team focused. He needs their full attention away from the crowd and all the media hoopla. What does he do? He gives the team an unforgettable talk. It gets their blood flowing and their focus back on the matter at hand, the game and getting that win or championship.
There have been many times when the Steelers were losing or winning a game I would wonder what the jaw of Bill Cowher was saying to his team. We can only imagine. I read a chapter in Luke the other night that made me think of the pep talk. It's Luke 9: 1 - 6 I believe it was Jesus giving his disciples a true pep talk.
When Jesus had called the twelve together, he gave them power and authority to drive out all demons and to cure diseases, and sent them out to preach the kingdom of God and to heal the sick. He told them " Take nothing for the journey- no staff, no bag, no money, no extra tunic. What ever house you enter, stay there until you leave that town. If people do not welcome you, shake the dust off your feet when you leave their town, as a testimony against them." So they went out from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere.
I believe he needed to give his fearful disciples a good talk. I couldn't imagine somebody coming up to me and telling me," I want you to go out and do some preaching for me, but you can't take your car, your family, your wallet with no money or debit cards or your cell phone. You can't make any hotel reservations you can't go to Walmart (that part I could handle, I hate going to Walmart.) You must have faith in the people and God." How would we feel? Very fearful! But you know that is what the twelve disciples felt like. They had no clue about what they were getting into, but yet they trusted Jesus. He equipped them with more than material necessities, He gave them the authority to drive out demons and to cure diseases.
So what did they do? They went out from village to village, preaching the gospel and healing people everywhere. Amazing faith and one amazing pep talk. Guess what I believe that team of twelve won the championship, an eternal one.
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