If you have watched the news lately you've heard this story. If you ever wondered what the Devil looked like this guy is very close.
Josef Fritzl from Austria, kept his three kids in a dark cellar for 30 years. Never once exposing them to any sunlight, handcuffed the one daughter and raped her and is known to have had 7 kids with her. The 7 th child he burned in the oven, so he says.
Now the children are in shock from being let out of the windowless dungeon. The daughter is now 42 years old and has been sexually abused since she was 11 years old. The other two children just grunt to talk and their pigment in their skin is totally messed up.
What do you do with someone so perverted and sick? I say put him in the same dungeon he put his children in and let him rot.
We see things like this only through the eyes of the news. We don't really know what other people are up to. But God does he sees it all, every second, minute and hour. Can you even imagine what he sees every day? I don't want to see it, none of it, but yet we saw this. It gives you an idea of God's mercy for us all, even in this story of horror he still loves this man know matter what. Now that is love!!!!!!!!
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