Did you ever have a Blah day? I had one today. I worked around a bunch of grumpy people today at Lowe's. Everybody was in a foul mood, and their was no breaking them out of it. So it put me right there with them. I had things that had to be done and customers just kept bugging me with questions and things needed to be loaded and there wasn't any loader there today. So it fell upon me and another person in the garden department. That's when I thought to myself this is the exact reason I went into the insurance business. I don't work well anymore with other employees or managers. But I came home and left it there at Lowe's where it all began, at least I thought I left it there. I was still grumpy tonight when I got home and just couldn't kick the blah away. I came home and ate some dinner and the grumpiness went away finally and then I was so exhausted I just put everything in a careless mood.
I watched the news and they kept talking about the economy and the high gas prices and the possibility of more severe weather. I just said whatever I don't care right now, let the gas go to $12 a gallon, I'll just walk to work. The bills were way out of my mind, let them pay themselves.
The kids were pretty good but Macy was in her 10 thousand question mood and had to tell me who got in trouble at school today. Brayden wanted me to read his cartoons he drew today and Cayden wanted all my attention and wanted to watch Mickey Mouse clubhouse on the computer.
I just needed about 20 minutes of quiet and time to get out of my Monday mood swing.
I was still in that mood until about 30 minutes ago. I opened my Aflac email and read about an agent who was killed in a car wreck the other night after leaving an enrollment. He left behind three kids and a wife. WOW! Then I watched the news and they had interviewed an older gentlemen who lost everything in the tornadoes and he was crying for help from God. How sad for these folks and their families. My mood changed quick not because I'm glad it wasn't me, but because it was a moment that God will work for those individuals. He will comfort the family of the Aflac agent right now. He rebuild that gentleman's life and house through many loving neighbors and Christian people who have put their lives on hold to help those in distress. Right now he is working for us all. He's not a God who puts us on wait, things are rolling, plans have been in the works way before the the accident happened. Way before the tornadoes hit he had angels acting on behalf of the victims. And he gave me and everybody else who was in a bad mood time to see His blessings to get out of our bad moods and see that tomorrow will be better for us all. With God the wheels are always turning way before things happen. He has an answer because he is the answer. Be thankful for our Father in Heaven who is a Right now God. He's always up to date on things.
Hi Clint!
I need to try to remember this today. My daycare is pretty much full and today is the first time for me to have such a full house.
I have 3 and 4 year old girls from 8-5. I have twins that are 21 months old from 9-2:30. I have a 1 year old from 9-5. Then at 2:45 (after school kids) I have 3 boys that come. One 6, one 7 and one 10. The last child doesn't leave until 6!!!!!
Of course my first child arrived at 6:30 this morning cause he is my one who comes before school. Once school is out, it will be much better. I won't have the baby any more. I won't have the 10 year old or the 7 year old. No more 6:30
mornings and my day will be a normal day from 8-5. :)
That sounds like fun! I would last one day with all that. Three kids are enough! Have a good day.
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