Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Dedication To A Great Man!

Friday, December 26, 2008
A World At War

Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Christmas 2008

As I write this it's 2 hours before Christmas 2008 arrives. The kids are nestled all snug in their beds, eagerly waiting for Santa. Shannon and I are trying to figure out how were going to get the presents laid out without somebody waking up. Our living room is right next to the bedrooms, so we worry about being noisy. I think we can pull it off though.
I really wish I was home in West Virginia this year for Christmas, we always feel like it's more Christmasy there. But we have had a good night being together with family and each other. It has felt like the evening has just slowly gone by, but now it is time to get things laid out and head to bed. I pray for those children who will wake up to nothing in the morning, and hope next year there will be something there for them. I hope everyone has a wonderful Christmas and thanks for allowing me to share my thoughts with you this year. Merry Christmas!
Is Fear Holding You Back?

When It Rains It Pours!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 22, 2008
Does It Feel Like it's Christmas? I'm Not Sure!

Very Cold Today In Arkansas
Sunday, December 21, 2008
Happy 3rd Birthday Cayden, My Little Angel :)
Friday, December 19, 2008
Love, Is What Is Missing!

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
My Story

Santa Story

As I played Santa the other day at Lowe's I had some requests that were enormous. But I told the children that Santa could bring anything they wanted. Probably not a good idea. Either I cost the parents alot of money or there may be some very mad kids on Christmas day. I might wake up one morning to an angry mob of kids and parents with torches. LOL!
But I had a few that have stuck in my mind and really wished I could help them. One family had three children and weren't quite well dressed. The mother had asked me if I could pay the mortgage and then asked me if I could bring her some shoes that were warmer and didn't have holes in them. I wish I had their name and address I would give her ten pair of shoes that Macy has never worn, but the mortgage I could provide a little. They still are in my mind and I really wish I knew their names. But I failed and didn't ask. Maybe Santa will provide, I mean the Santa in heaven the real one. God, the giver of all things.
Saturday, December 13, 2008
Thursday, December 11, 2008
O' Come Let Us Adore Him

Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Loving The Elderly

I often think about those in the nursing homes and pray for them. I pray for their well being and hope that they get the best care. The cub scouts that Brayden joined a few weeks ago went to the nursing home here in Searcy and sang Christmas carols to the patients there. I didn't realize how much they would enjoy it. Many of them strolled in there wheelchairs to the nurses desk and listened to the very good young voices.
It hit me last night how lonely and homesick people are in a nursing home. How a little child's beauty can fill an empty void in their lives. We paused for a few minutes and greeted the older women and men and they were so kind and so much wanted to see youth. Many know there time on earth is coming to a close because of age and sickness. But yet they long for attention, and to see children in their presence makes them feel great and wanted.
The nurse pushed out an elderly lady who looked very frail and not very attentive and Cayden walked up to her and touched her hand and she came alive. It was all she could do to reach over and touch his head and face and she said with a small voice Merry Christmas. God is alive! Tears came to my eyes because I love senior citizens and wonder about their life and what they could tell me about it. I often think of nursing homes as a final resting place of the forgotten and old. I often get angry when children take their parents to the home and run off and forget them because they have their own lives. They have a life because of them, they brought them into existence and now they feel they should leave them be. Not right at all!
The nursing home felt warmth last night because of a handful of Christians came to give them their love. I was very pleased his den did that last night and it gave hope to many who felt they had none left. Let's not forget the elderly this Christmas!
Monday, December 08, 2008
The Sunrise I Saw Today

Saturday, December 06, 2008
Juiced, Finally!

Thursday, December 04, 2008
Black Friday Needs To Go!

Another Video, This One is For Fathers!
Awesome Video For All Christians To Watch!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
Christian Giving At Christmas

These three bears represent my children every year when I put up the Christmas tree. Always in the way, climbing on the step ladder and wanting to put the ornaments on before there are any lights on the tree.
But their idea of putting out the Christmas stuff is very hectic. My goal is to do one thing at a time and accomplish it first. That is just the way I am, if I start something I want to complete it before I start another project. Well they don't see it that way. They want me at the same time to decorate their rooms while I am leaning over a nine foot tree trying to put the last of the lights on the top. You gotta love them though. They are lucky they have parents who will go out of their way to make every holiday special.
Many children don't have such love like that, they have been abandoned, given up by an ignorant set of adults who only cared about themselves. Every Christmas was a blessing for me and my sister. The house was always decorated to the very best by a Mom that adored Christmas and loved her children very much. Going out of her way to be the best parent any child would die to have. Making the greatest holiday the best day of the year. Even when they didn't have much money to spend they broke the bank to give us what we wanted. We didn't need all that stuff, but it has made me bring such memories to share with my own children.
I have been writing a lot about giving to those children who don't have parents to do such wonderful things. Or children who don't have parents with much money to buy presents. That's where God's children step in and do. We will give what we can to those children who don't have what we have. If there are name tags left on the angel tree and you feel urged to take it, then take it. That urge is God pushing you to do good, to bless a child and give them the hope that someone does care and believes in helping. Santa doesn't really exist, but through kind and giving Christians he really does.
Matthew 25: 35-40 I was hungry, and you gave me food. I was thirsty, and you gave me something to drink. I was alone and away home, and you invited me into your house. I was without clothes, and you gave me something to wear. I was sick, and you cared for me. I was in prison, and you visited me'.
Then the good people will answer, 'Lord, when did we see you hungry and give you food, or thirsty and give you something to drink?' When did we see you alone and away from home, and invite you into our house? When did we see you without clothes and give you something to wear? When did we see you sick or in prison and care for you?'
Then the King will answer, 'I tell you the truth, anything you did for the least of my people here, you did for me.' - Amen!
Monday, December 01, 2008
Time With My Little Cub Scout!

I have enjoyed every Monday night with Brayden over the past month. He decided to join the cub scouts the Harding Academy den. He has really enjoyed and so have I. I like doing things with him that I didn't do when I was a kid. I did a lot of things when I was little. Brayden and I are surely two different people when it comes to childhood activities. I thought since I loved sports as much as I do he would also. He doesn't really like sports very much.
Recently he has been wanting to throw the football and he does it very well. But I just don't think that will be his direction in life, where it is my addiction. We really have been trying to accomplish a lot of things in his book to get his patches. It's really been quite fun. It's good father/son time.
Fathers today don't spend very much time with their kids anymore. Why is that? I'm sure work has a lot to do with it then some Fathers want peaceful time to themselves. I sometimes wish we had more time together though. I recently have noticed that he follows me around the house a lot wanting my attention. It makes me sad sometimes that I think he really is not getting enough attention from me. It's tough to balance enough time with three children around. With Cayden turning 3 this month it's been a lot easier to have more time with all three. But I have come to see how much our children depend on us not only for their physical needs but for their nurturing needs. There is a great need for us as parents as we need to be filling our children with our love, God and time with each other.
I think about some children who have really had no relationship at all with their father. I don't know what life wold be like to not have a good and loving relationship with my Dad. My Dad called me not to long ago which is rare for him to call. I am usually the one who calls up there, but I think he just wanted to talk to me. I didn't have any time to talk because the kids were screaming and being loud. But I called back a couple days later and we talked about an hour. It was great to talk and share some time with him.
Fathers spend your time with your children and give the nurturing and love they need. I know we are all tired when we get home from work and need our space. But we'll all regret it when they grow and move away and leave the nest, and really want that time back to spend with them. May we love our children as God loves His.