Saturday, December 30, 2006
My Best Little Friend !
Wednesday, December 27, 2006
Christmas with some Playmobile fun!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, December 25, 2006

Yes I would like to say to all my fellow members of the "HOG LEAGUE" . It was a tough battle of Fantasy Football but you all got beat by a great strategic mind. lol The coach of the Wheeling Feeling John Massey it was nice for you to sit at the top of the league all year long. You never made a change in your line up. You thought you could rely on Peyton and Ladanian. But Peyton is no Joe Montana. Sorry the Bid Dog sat down at the wrong time.
And to the coach of the team "The Real Hillbille" my friend here in Arky. We were the only ones who tried to take out The Wheeling Feelin'. But third place isn't too bad. And to the coach of the Wheeling Ironmen, Roger Metz I think you paid a little attention to it but I will get you better equipped for next year.
The Park Patriots is this years Hog League Fantasy football Champion. Oh, it feels great! The players who pulled me through are: QB Drew Brees, RB Fast Willie Parker, Cheifs Larry Johnson and Marvin Harrison. NEXT YEAR WILL HAVE A BIGGER HOG LEAGUE.
I'll be singing this song all night in my head: "We Are The Champions".
Friday, December 22, 2006
Christmas tree brings memories

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

If you are wondering why I have a picture of a green Ford Explorer uploaded. Because that person really got under my skin the other day!
This is a picture of a line cutter at a Christian School. I won't name the school. As I was waiting to pick up my child the other day from a certain school this little event took place. The line was long like it usually is everyday before three. I was back toward the middle of the line, and there was a somewhat long line behind me. It wasn't more than about 7 cars in length. This person decided they were not going to wait in the line and be ignorant and cut in front of me. I could handle the cutting it was the ignorance of that person for doing such a thing. It wasn't going to set me back a lot of time or anything, I didn't have to hurry up and get my kid real fast or anything. I didn't get out of the car and knock on their window and tell them what I thought of their decision. But it rode my impatience with the ignorance of people.
I get so tired of people in this world with their ignorance. I get so upset when I hear about another person getting busted for making crystal meth. It just irritates me to no end. I get upset when somebody kills another person for just plain stupidity, like drug money, or the excuse "he wasn't given me the respect that I deserved so I shot him". Another thing that rowls me up is when somebodies child is kidnapped, raped and murdered, and the murderer says it was the drugs and the pornography that made him do it. Yet we still allow people to make these movies, because if we stopped them it would violate their freedom of speech and freedom to express themselves. And the last thing that gets me fired up, are these criminals that are released for good behavior or the jail was to crowded. So they let them out and they go murder some innocent person or child. Ignorance! We're all victim of it.
I know there has been times I have been ignorant in some situation. But it's ignorance of certain situations that could be avoided if those who do them would just think of the consequences.
Around thanksgiving an innocent boy was shot by another teenager in Judsonia. He was visiting his grandparents and outside playing a game of basketball when a car drove by and shot him dead. The teen who shot the gun was just playing around he said. There was no clip in the gun, but there just happen to be a bullet in the chamber. The bullet pierced the heart of the innocent victim and dropped him to the ground dead. Ignorance!!!!!!!!!!! If the person who owned the gun would've have just put the gun away where it was supposed to go, that boy would've finished his basketball game and the other boy would be at home, not sitting in a jail cell.
There is so much I could write about the word Ignorance, I don't think there is enough space on Blogger to type it all in. This world needs to rethink its position on so many issues before it self- implodes. This is the Christians calling; to change the thinking of this world. We have to reboot the thought process of the entire population of this planet. But sometimes we feel out numbered and we think nobody will listen to us. It's a hard job to do, but if we don't do it we may end up in the fires of hell because of our IGNORANCE to not do anything.
I not still mad about the decision of that person cutting in front of me. It just set me off on a tangent about the unthoughtful ignorance people do. How are we going to change the world and its harmful ways of thinking? We start by praying and then we do it one person at a time, with love and kindness. Ignorance has always been a major problem here on earth. Even Christ on the cross said, "Father forgive them for they know not what they are doing."
I believe that the Crucifixion was the biggest plan for the ignorance of man. When you think about it, it was the pride of the Jewish leaders that had to get rid of the loving Jesus. For if he stayed any longer they might not be as powerful to the people as they thought they were.
The pride of man = the ignorance of man = the fires of hell. Let's not be unthoughtful. Let's be humble and set out to finish the race we've already begun. The first will be last and the last will be first.
Saturday, December 16, 2006
It's a woderful life

I don't usually watch old movies, but this one really hits home home to me. It's the only movie that makes cry at the end. Every year I have seen this picture it brings out the trueness of friendship. A lot of times we walk around with the chip on our shoulder that makes us think nobody cares.
There are times we feel we don't have friends around. They are never there when we think we need them. Times when we feel our lowest we think they don't care, but they do. They will come out of the woodwork when the time is right. That is what this story teaches me. George Bailey is about to give it up on life. He's to the point of jumping off the bridge and end it all. When all of a sudden an angel comes to his rescue. The angel shows him life without George Bailey. George becomes impatient with the angel and doesn't understand what's going on. Nobody know him at all,not even his own wife. At that point he asks the angel to let him live,and everything is back to normal.
If George would have been patient and waited he would've seen friendship work at its best. At the end all his friends who deeply love him come to his aid with enough money to pay off his debt and plenty left over to spare.
Our friends are there, we just have to wait for their true loyalty and friendship to come through. The movie hits me because a lot of times I am George. I sometimes feel I have no true friends, and then "BOOM" the reality sets in. They come when the time is right.
I felt that today when I was a little down about things, and just needed a familiar face from home. And boom I got the assurance and boost that I needed. The door bell rang this morning and old loving friends were there. The Beckett's had come at the right time. I don't think they know how much their prescence meant to me, but it was a blessing in disguise. I felt like George Bailey today the luckiest man alive. It was nice to feel the warmth of friends today. I know I will have a good week and a firm grip of how people feel when friends step into save the day.
The phrase at the end of movie is the real tear jerker. "No man is a failure who has friends." Or in Christain terms"No mans is a failure who has God." Tomorrow reach out to somebody who you think needs your touch of friendship, I know I will.
Tuesday, December 12, 2006

As I sat in the waiting room at an office here in Searcy, I overheard a couple of employees having a conversation. They were asking each other when was the last time either one of them had been to church.
As I listened in I thought about what they might say, this area here being the bible belt and all. I thought they might both say a week or two. Nope! They both said it had been a year. So meaning it was around Christmas time was the lastime they entered through the doors of a Church building. It kind of surprised me the length of their stay away from worship. But it being the Christmas season and all, that was the only day they thought it was important to go.
I had grown up with a lot of friends who went to church only 3 times a year. Christmas Eve, Ash Wednesday and Easter. Their religion must think God is only responsive and merciful on those days only. Kind of works like a Kmart blue light special, its only on sale when the Blue Light is on. Is that what these certain churches teach their flock. Do they put more emphasis on these days and less emphasis on the other 362 days of the year.
We recently had a sermon on the "Importance of going to Worship." He made some good points about attending worship.
1) It brings glory to God's name, which is the most important part.
2) We need the goodness of the church body itself. We need the spritual nourishment of each other.
So if you don't go to worship for a year then I can't tell of the damage you have done to your soul. I think of all the people that I grew up with in the church that have totally gone astray. I can't find any reason for why they would go totally away from the church that deeply loved them. It would take me three or four hands to count how many I have in my mind right now. What could they be doing on a Sunday morning that's so much more important than worshiping the maker of this world. I know there was a time in my life when I didn't have perfect attendance in church, and trust me there was nothing to do that is more important than going to church.
It took us some time to find a church down here we liked. We tried to find churches here that were kind of away from the Harding crowd. Which we did find a small church in Judsonia that didn't have the Harding crowd in it at all. We were pretty happy there, then they had a split. That was one of the most unhappiest situations I have ever witnessed in my church going life. I was dissappointed by the manner of the way things were handled. It drove me away for a little bit from the worship scene. I wasn't dissappointed in God, I was dissappointed in the Christians there. We have found a church that has really grown to love us and really sees the importance of being there. But how churches can split it amazes me, but they do. That could be a good reason why some people leave the church and never come back. It could be they had there feelings hurt by someone in the church or they might not see the importance of going and find some better reason to not go.
I had a chance to stick my nose in the womens conversation but i didn't. I should have! But we as Christians need to show people that God is an everyday God. He's not just important on certain holidays. He's more important than sleeping in on Sunday's and more important than a church splitting or getting your feelings hurt by somebody else. Those are not good enough reasons to not show up. We as Christians need to follow up on those who have left the church find out why they haven't been there in years. Comfort them and reassure them that the church is not only there to sing songs or listen to a sermon, but it's there for to provide strength for your daily life outside the church. Also church is not there to just drop in on certain holidays and pay your respects either. It's open year around. Teach others the truth in love. Don't be harsh be comforting because that is what a lot of people need. Show them that the church is not an Elks meeting lodge but a place for healing and love.
Monday, December 11, 2006
Saturday, December 09, 2006
He would've been proud :)
If I did the math right. My Papaw would be a 104 today if he was still alive.
John edward Massey December 9, 1902.
He would be proud to see his legacy grow. I can remember his laughter ringing through the house as he read the sunday comics while smoking his pipe with his loyal pal Astro by his side. I remember the backseat of every car he had, filled with crumpled up Hardees bags from his daily lunch. I remember him sitting in his blue chair watching HEE HAW and then hitting the side of the TV set with his cane as it blinked in and out.
I can still see his front porch lit up with the metal christmas trees he had cut out, they never missed a year to shine. He was proud of his work and so was his neighbors everytime they drove by. Christmas was always my favorite time when he would come to my parents house on christmas eve and when me and my sister would go to bed, he tell us Merry Christmas and kiss us good night. Christmas has never been the same since.
He was a hard working man with a disability that never held him down. He had a great big heart that loved everybody he knew. I wonder what he would think of his grandchildren and his great-grandchildren. I know he would be proud. I wish my children had known him they would have loved him. I try as much as I can to tell them about him, but they'll never truly know what they missed out on.
I know everybody misses him. He was truly one of a kind. I know heaven got a gem when he walked into God's hands. He's is my example and will always be. We love you Papaw and Happy Birthday.
Thursday, December 07, 2006
December 7, 1941

Tuesday, December 05, 2006
3 little kids like ME !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sunday, December 03, 2006

Saturday, December 02, 2006
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Redneck tooth pictures!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Using a car to the extreme!

Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Duck Tape to the extreme!!!!!!!!

Sunday, November 26, 2006
Did this team win a "SUPERBOWL?"

The Steelers? I thought for sure they would have some pep in their step after almost getting humiliated by the Browns. I went to check the score on my cell phone and it read Ravens 17 -0 at the half. I never checked it again until the game was over. I really wish I hadn't checked it at all. We'll give them some slack they did win the Superbowl.
What a crazy year this has been for football. I hope it doesn't get any crazier.
A very bad man!!!!!!!

Thursday, November 23, 2006
Gobble, Gobble !

There are so many things to be thankful for this year. I'm thankful that I am a Christian. It's good to be a child of God. I couldn't be more thankful for that. I'm thankful for my wife and my children. They are my life. No price could be laid before me to not be with my family. If someone gave me Superbowl tickets or a million dollars. I would rather be poor and spend everyday with them. Time is precious. I need all that time to spend with them.
I'm thankful for my parents. They chose to follow God and I will do the same. I feel sorry for those children who's parents chose to not follow Christ. They have let their children down. They have wasted their childrens life. That is what's wrong with the kids of this generation. People question the answer to this problem. Bad parenting! Letting their children think freely is ok. But let them just be free and make their own decisions. They need guiding not x-box. I'm glad my parents chose the right direction for me and my sister. They will be rewarded for it.
I'm thankful for the country we live in. I kind of put that on the back burner for awhile. It was there but I didn't put much thought into it, until today.
I'm not in agreement with Bush on Iraq. Actually I don't care for him at all. I'll save that for another day, I didn't vote him in so that monkey is off my back. But I read a news story about what happened over there today. It gave me chills. It started by descibing a wedding car that was blown to shreads, blood stains ran down the side of the vehicle engulfed in flames. Body parts lay blown apart on the ground. A suicide bomber drove a car into another part of the town carrying 200 pounds of explosives and exploded in a shopping area throwing sharp pieces of metal into the crowded area. I believed it killed alot of people. I don't the number but it was devastating! This violent attack made the Michael Richards problem look like a little scuffle on the playground.
Iraq is a disaster over there. There will probably be no end to it either. That's what happens when you shake up a hornets nest with no plan. But I thank God that so far we have remained safe. I can credit Bush for that. Pray that the violence stops and these people can get a long. They need to realize that killing yourself and others doesn't get you to Heaven.
I'm thankful for all my family back home, that they all remain true to God and the church. They have all been an example to me. And I love them for it.
And finally I'm thankful for my friends. They have all brought me good times. I hope they continue to do so.
I pray for all us that we always be grateful for what we have. I pray that we will not be arrogant and proud. Let us always be humble and pray for those we see acting like this. God has given us a great promise through his son. Live a good life and resist temptation,and we will be rewarded at the end. Happy Thanksgiving!
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
Kramer say it ain't so!

Seinfeld is my all time favorite show. Kramer was the best part of the show. I have seen every episode at least 20 times. But I watched the show the other night and just couldn't feel the same about it.
If you haven't seen the video yet you don't know the hateful things he said to those african- american people. And as a white male I feel bad for the people he said them to.
Basically Richards was in the middle of his stand up and a group of people arrived late. They were a group of fifteen of mixed color. The two guys he was yelling at were on the Today show and told their side of it. They were really not doing anything, but it was enough to send Richards on a ranting tirade of hateful words. The most hurtful part of the video was the way he used the "N" word. And this is the way he said it: "He's a N@##*r ! , He's a N&#*@r! , He's a N&%%#r! Throws his tailend out! He didn't use the word tailend either. He continued to say more horrible things after that. Man He dropped a BOMB!
I'm still shocked at what he said. I can't believe in racism. There is not a racist bone in my body. Now sometimes I have judged the way a person looked and dressed and wondered if I was going to be held up at the store. But I've thought that about black or white people. But I feel ashamed that people are racist, there is know need to be. We are all human beings, there is know need for that kind of evil.
Now back to the Richards situation. He had to have a chip on his shoulder that night. It wasn't only the words he used, it was the way he said them. He was so hateful when he said them. It was really like he meant what he said. He wasn't being funny at all.There was just no need for that kind of response with such anger. And I know he apologized but he needs to apologize face to face to the people he offended. Those two men looked like decent guys. And I felt sorry for them.
I pray we don't look at people for their color. Don't judge a book by it's cover. And that's what we all do. Even I am guilty of such judgement. God doesn't judge by color he judges what's under that color. The heart of every man is what matters to our God.
I still like Kramer on Seinfeld and I'm not judging him, but I pray for Richards and his anger problems. He said he would get help. I hope so! I hope we all get help. Not from man But from God!
Friday, November 17, 2006

Oh the reason I am anti-Arkansas is because they recently been ranked above our beloved Mountaineers. That should never happen! So I have denounced my calling the hogs this year. I'm glad they are winning. But not happy they ripped off our mountaineers. It's great they beat Auburn and Tennessee. But if they went against WVU I don't think they would last against the white/slaton machine. But hats off to them. One last thing to say: I'm happy John linked my blog on his. I hope you enjoy reading it. It's fun to do. It's good to express your thoughts to others and say hi to people I've been around all my life. I'm thankful for the Church in Wheeling. I love and miss everybody there. For you are my strength when I get home sick( and that's pretty much every day) I think of my family, you guys there and good ole' Wheeling and it brings me peace. But i'm thankful for Arkansas too. It has brought me a lot of good times and some good freinds. Plus my kids are at a good Christian school. Me and Arkansas have an understanding when it's time for one us to go it's over. And as long as a tornadoe stays away from my house and me were on good terms. And once again. GO BUCKEYES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If you read my blog leave a comment or just say HI through the comment section. i will be glad to hear from all of you guys. In Christian Love, Clint
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
The thunder rumbled all night long and it rattled the doors inside our house. I was in and out of sleep all night long. After that crash of thunder the wind was howling because of a cold front moving in. It reminded me of the night hurricane Katrina went over Arkansas. That was one of the most scariest nights of bad weather I remember. The wind was just blowing in so many directions and the rain was beating against the windows, the lightning was lighting up the windows. It was crazy! I believe we had 7 tonadoes that night in and around the state. It was bad. But eventually I fell asleep.
Then I had a dream of being in a graveyard. I don't know why I was there during the whole dream. Me and some friends were just walking through there and still hadn't found the reason why we were there. But toward the end of the dream I was visited by an old friend. I was so happy to see who it was. It was my Papaw! He gave me the biggest hug and I just didn't let go. I miss my grandfather very much. He was my greatest example in life. I was very happy when I woke up today, even though I didn't get very much sleep because of the weather.
I guess God does work in mysterious ways. I had a long week at work and was lacking confidence in myself. And just needed some kind of reassurance that everything was going to be OK. And that was all I needed.
I thank you God for the dream I had and the confidence that it and you bring me everyday.
Friday, October 20, 2006
I think about the massive numbers of child molestations that are going on, and I cry inside everytime I hear of a new one on the news. And again I try to answer the reason for why it happens. Is it drugs, is it just an obsession or a mental condition?
Our children are being raised in fear. It's like we have to protect them like an animal protects her youngling from a predator in the wild. Why is our world so evil? Why would someone take the innocence of a beautiful child. Or take that innocence and then take their life. It just doesn't make sense. I pray for every child who is abducted and pray they are returned safe and unharmed. I know the fear and pain they went through is comforted when they go to the other side and hug their creator.
I know it will continue to happen and I don't want it too happen. Everybody needs to pray that it won't. If any child molester ever reads this just quit! Know your going to hell and there is no comfort there. Get help and find Jesus. Don't listen to what the world says bad about him,accept him. And stay away from children. In Jesus name, Amen
Thursday, October 12, 2006
My little Macy.

I can't believe that people would abort a child for any reason. It's a concept I will never understand. If they only knew the harm they are bringing to their souls and the pain they are bringing upon that child. How many tears God cries when a baby is aborted. Destroying life that he made no matter the situation is a horrible event. That is something HE created not us HE. But every one that has gone through this process of cruelty He ascends straight to his loving arms.
I see the world and its people get so upset and angered when an animal is abused but peta never stands up when a baby is terminated before its first breath. The earth spins one way but its inhabitants spin in a whole different direction.
May God have mercy on this world and those who never had a chance to see it. I love you brayden,macy & cayden. The three best decisions me and your mom ever made. Christ is yours forever. Amen
Wednesday, October 11, 2006
The world is trying to drive out God and his son. They say they don't exist and what a shame it will be for those who don't beleive. They try to destroy the very nature of God. They close their ears and turn away from the greatest being of mercy. Many might say that I've been lied to, that I am a fool for beleiving such a fairytale. But what else is there to believe. No other religion has turned me away from this living God. The Muslim religion is full of hatred, where my God tells of peace and love and to show mercy and kindness to all who live around you.
This world when I was young was to me a safe place to be. But as I grow older it has become a great fear for me. There is know love here. All we hear about on the news is child molestation, rape and murder. Is this the kind of world you want to live in? My hope is for a better place. A place where love overflows and safety is not in question. I know of a young man not to much older than me has passed on to a better life than me. I dedicate this blog to the late Kevin Wolfgong. May his soul rest in peace. For I know he is in a better place with Christ . Will you be in a better place when you pass from this world? May God protect our souls. In Jesus name , Amen.