Wednesday, December 30, 2009
Happy 10th Birthday Brayden!
As I look at this picture it really has become one of my favorite I have taken. It really shows me how much Brayden has accomplished in his ten years of life. He finally crossed the bridge of 10 years of life.
I cryed the moment he arrived to this life. For 9 months he relied upon God to develop him in his mothers womb. To make him perfect and enable him to go from complete darkness to a direct light he had never seen before. I often wonder if God had one last word to him as he came to be. Did he say, "Go on, come and meet life and don't worry I will be there with you all the way."
Having children truly amazes me all the time. We really don't know what we're going to get until their arrival. I was hoping Brayden had all his parts and that he was going to be healthy. Birth is God's fantastic show in life, it is a process that truly is awesome. I have enjoyed the ten years we have had with Brayden. He's a funny kid who likes to laugh a lot, especially when I do stupid things to make him laugh. We have had some good laughs so far in life, and hope we will always laugh together no matter what life brings us. God has truly blessed us, and to Him I will be enernally grateful. Thank you God for your precious gift of Brayden.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
The Magical Feeling Of Christmas.
I remember when I was young and how exciting it was to be Christmas eve. I remember my Papaw and Aunt Monna coming over and all of us just enjoying one anothers visit. They would stay the night and they would both get my sister and I excited about Santa coming during the night.
My mother would go all out and make a good Christmas eve meal and we would indulge ourselves and then eat all the cookies she had made until we were sick. It would be cold outside (unlike here in Arkansas) and we would be huddled up by the fireplace and try to get warm. I have always enjoyed those many Christmas eve's and still enjoy the memories of them all. Christmas Eve is a magical time of year. I miss them!
For some reason I have lost that magical feeling and I don't know why. I guess because Christmas here in Arkansas just doeosn't feel very Christmas like.
As the evening progresses I can feel a little of the magic left, but it just doesn't feel like it once did. Maybe it's because I have grown older and the magical feeling I once had is slowly disappearing somewhat. I hope it comes back one day, but for now I will always have the precious memories of past Christmases in my mind and heart. I'm thankful to God for memories like these. Thankful for two hard working parents who went all out to give me the best Christmases ever. I'm thankful for the memories of a loving Grandfather who made my life and Christmas very special. With all the presents I have received through the years nothing is more important than these special memories. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
My mother would go all out and make a good Christmas eve meal and we would indulge ourselves and then eat all the cookies she had made until we were sick. It would be cold outside (unlike here in Arkansas) and we would be huddled up by the fireplace and try to get warm. I have always enjoyed those many Christmas eve's and still enjoy the memories of them all. Christmas Eve is a magical time of year. I miss them!
For some reason I have lost that magical feeling and I don't know why. I guess because Christmas here in Arkansas just doeosn't feel very Christmas like.
As the evening progresses I can feel a little of the magic left, but it just doesn't feel like it once did. Maybe it's because I have grown older and the magical feeling I once had is slowly disappearing somewhat. I hope it comes back one day, but for now I will always have the precious memories of past Christmases in my mind and heart. I'm thankful to God for memories like these. Thankful for two hard working parents who went all out to give me the best Christmases ever. I'm thankful for the memories of a loving Grandfather who made my life and Christmas very special. With all the presents I have received through the years nothing is more important than these special memories. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
We're Not Lucky, But Blessed
All my life I have always said I am lucky. I recently had a thought run through my mind that found that to be untrue. We all say we have had some kind of luck come into our lives, but it wasn't luck was it? It was something else. I believe everything was set in place a long time ago to happen in our lives. It's a story and that I believe is what were are living. Reasons behind everything that happens in our lives each day. So, the thought that ran through my mind is all part of the process that God Almighty is putting into my life as a story. Nothing is luck it's a blessing from Him.
I try to put into perspective why so many are given to greatness and many are put into poverty and loneliness. Why others are given much and others are given so little. I remember when Jesus healed a man and his disciples asked him who sinned his parents or him. And Jesus said to them neither, but it was for the glory of God to shine through. It was a blessing for him to be blind so that he could see the gift of healing and praise God for his blessing that has been put in his story of life.
Last week we were driving back from Little Rock and as we were headed home we stopped off at some stores. As we approached the on ramp, it stopped suddenly and I veered off to the side of the highway. I just happened to be looking in the rearview mirror and saw two cars slam into each other. I said I was lucky, but then realized I was blessed by God to have not been invovled.
What we think as luck is not, but is a contiuned chapter of our life that God has planned to happen in our lifes story. I thought about my past life and thought my life could be read as a book. It may be boring, but my life reads like a story. If you think about all the predicaments we have gotten ourselves into there has always been a way or a blessing from God to get us out and over such things. We think it is luck, but it is a blessing from the author of our storied lives.
How do we use these blessings? If you win the lottery how do you use that blessing? God gave it to you for a reason. Not to consume it all for yourself, but to use to help those who are in rough shape. Blessings are a test from God, he wants to see how we use it for his good. When I lost my job a couple of years ago, I lurked in my own fears on how I was going to be able to get out of this mess. God wanted me to pray for his help. I did for a long time, he gave me a new job and taught me the lesson through His blessing to be faithful and not to take anything for granted that He has blessed me with. A friend of mine had recently lost his job, and now I am telling him my story of that hard time in my life. I told him to pray and not take anything for granted that God had blessed him with. My hardship had happened to bring God his glory.
Were not lucky, but blessed with great blessings from God above. Our cup overflows more than we know. We live in His grace everyday, and through his grace we shall tell others about our great story. So that His glory may be praised. Merry Christmas!
I try to put into perspective why so many are given to greatness and many are put into poverty and loneliness. Why others are given much and others are given so little. I remember when Jesus healed a man and his disciples asked him who sinned his parents or him. And Jesus said to them neither, but it was for the glory of God to shine through. It was a blessing for him to be blind so that he could see the gift of healing and praise God for his blessing that has been put in his story of life.
Last week we were driving back from Little Rock and as we were headed home we stopped off at some stores. As we approached the on ramp, it stopped suddenly and I veered off to the side of the highway. I just happened to be looking in the rearview mirror and saw two cars slam into each other. I said I was lucky, but then realized I was blessed by God to have not been invovled.
What we think as luck is not, but is a contiuned chapter of our life that God has planned to happen in our lifes story. I thought about my past life and thought my life could be read as a book. It may be boring, but my life reads like a story. If you think about all the predicaments we have gotten ourselves into there has always been a way or a blessing from God to get us out and over such things. We think it is luck, but it is a blessing from the author of our storied lives.
How do we use these blessings? If you win the lottery how do you use that blessing? God gave it to you for a reason. Not to consume it all for yourself, but to use to help those who are in rough shape. Blessings are a test from God, he wants to see how we use it for his good. When I lost my job a couple of years ago, I lurked in my own fears on how I was going to be able to get out of this mess. God wanted me to pray for his help. I did for a long time, he gave me a new job and taught me the lesson through His blessing to be faithful and not to take anything for granted that He has blessed me with. A friend of mine had recently lost his job, and now I am telling him my story of that hard time in my life. I told him to pray and not take anything for granted that God had blessed him with. My hardship had happened to bring God his glory.
Were not lucky, but blessed with great blessings from God above. Our cup overflows more than we know. We live in His grace everyday, and through his grace we shall tell others about our great story. So that His glory may be praised. Merry Christmas!
Saturday, December 19, 2009
Monday, December 07, 2009
Tuesday, December 01, 2009
Do You Live To Impress Others?
I'm sitting here really trying to figure out why we live to impress others. I remember back in my early years of life that is all I remember life being about. I'm sure during our school years we remember having to have what everbody else had. Whether it was clothes or any other type of material possession. We had to get it because we wanted to fit in. We didn't want to be the only one on the outside of the ring of popularity.
When I was little I had this neighbor kid right next door to us. He had every Star Wars thing you could imagine. I would get jealous because I didn't have that specific toy, yet I did have every Star Wars toy there was except this one thing. So I would get over it because he said I could play with it as much as I wanted. I remember in the sixth grade everybody had to have a pair of "parachute pants" to be cool. There were all kinds of things in those days that we all had to have so we wouldn't be the misfit. I remember one winter back home I had passed by this Catholic elementary school. All the kids had the same coat. Almost every child had a certain type of Notre Dame coat on, they all looked like an advertisement picture for the university. I thought in my mind how stupid is that? Then I realized kids in my school were just the same, we all had the same clothing to impress someone. I have a lot of friends from high school on Facebook. If I asked them about the stupid fashions we all went through to impress each other they would probably think it was all silly. Where did all this lead us, nowhere really! Were all still friends to this day and actually the clothes are forgotten and it really didn't matter one bit.
Living in the adult world fashion is not really a factor anymore. It seemed we grew out of all that nonsense, but have we? How do we do it now? If you take a look at yourself, how are you today as an adult living to impress someone? Obviously, it's with material possessions, but a little higher priced possessions. Our possessions now are the cars we drive, and the house and neighborhood we live in. To many, it states a sign of wealth and states a certain stature in life. Don't get me wrong it's ok to have possessions that you have worked hard for, it's the flauting part of it that is wrong. Possessions can signal to those who don't have things like this that we are untouchable, that we are better than everybody else. It's true, it communicates to people that they are unworthy to communicate with us. It makes others fearful of us. When I watch the movie stars on TV and I think all the time I would never be able to talk to them or have a real conversation with them. Because they are really untouchable, I don't really live where they live, plus they are protected by a dozen security guards. But then they really are real people. That's the life they chose, we didn't choose a life of being untouchable we live in the real world. Trust me there are people who want to talk to people who have great wealth. They want to feel they matter to them, and they want to know that the "real world" is not full of untouchable rich snotty people.
Our world is a crazy one. Satan is a demon working us hard, but in many different ways. He makes us all feel like we are important in this world that we have a right to impress sombody and the right to pull others under our dirty rug of popularity. It doesn't really matter to me if I impress somebody, I chose years ago to not live my life to impress others. With me you get what you see. I would rather get to know somebody and help those who think they are unworthy to talk to anybody feel special. I'm not saying that to impress anybody either, it's just the way I am programmed.
I would like to see one President go and walk the streets in the roughest neighborhoods of America and shake hands with those who think they don't count. I know Jimmy Carter has built houses for the poor through Habitat for Humanity and that is impressive. Today I ask you to do something that is out of your comfort zone. Go to somebody who you think might think may feel inferior to you. A person who you think you would never speak to, maybe it's an employee that is afraid of you because you holder a higher postition. We as the human race need to remember we are all human and God wants us all to be friends with each other.
I write this because when I sit in Walmart and sell Medicare insurance I don't usually talk to the wealthiest people in the area. My plans I sell are a $0 premium, so if people have money they usually don't discuss these plans with me because they can afford to not have them. I usually get some pretty rough people talking with me and it really doesn't matter who I talk to, as long as I can meet their finacial need for affordable healthcare. This topic just kind of came to my mind today and I felt it needed to be written. Impress somebody with your kindness and not with our wealth or power.
When I was little I had this neighbor kid right next door to us. He had every Star Wars thing you could imagine. I would get jealous because I didn't have that specific toy, yet I did have every Star Wars toy there was except this one thing. So I would get over it because he said I could play with it as much as I wanted. I remember in the sixth grade everybody had to have a pair of "parachute pants" to be cool. There were all kinds of things in those days that we all had to have so we wouldn't be the misfit. I remember one winter back home I had passed by this Catholic elementary school. All the kids had the same coat. Almost every child had a certain type of Notre Dame coat on, they all looked like an advertisement picture for the university. I thought in my mind how stupid is that? Then I realized kids in my school were just the same, we all had the same clothing to impress someone. I have a lot of friends from high school on Facebook. If I asked them about the stupid fashions we all went through to impress each other they would probably think it was all silly. Where did all this lead us, nowhere really! Were all still friends to this day and actually the clothes are forgotten and it really didn't matter one bit.
Living in the adult world fashion is not really a factor anymore. It seemed we grew out of all that nonsense, but have we? How do we do it now? If you take a look at yourself, how are you today as an adult living to impress someone? Obviously, it's with material possessions, but a little higher priced possessions. Our possessions now are the cars we drive, and the house and neighborhood we live in. To many, it states a sign of wealth and states a certain stature in life. Don't get me wrong it's ok to have possessions that you have worked hard for, it's the flauting part of it that is wrong. Possessions can signal to those who don't have things like this that we are untouchable, that we are better than everybody else. It's true, it communicates to people that they are unworthy to communicate with us. It makes others fearful of us. When I watch the movie stars on TV and I think all the time I would never be able to talk to them or have a real conversation with them. Because they are really untouchable, I don't really live where they live, plus they are protected by a dozen security guards. But then they really are real people. That's the life they chose, we didn't choose a life of being untouchable we live in the real world. Trust me there are people who want to talk to people who have great wealth. They want to feel they matter to them, and they want to know that the "real world" is not full of untouchable rich snotty people.
Our world is a crazy one. Satan is a demon working us hard, but in many different ways. He makes us all feel like we are important in this world that we have a right to impress sombody and the right to pull others under our dirty rug of popularity. It doesn't really matter to me if I impress somebody, I chose years ago to not live my life to impress others. With me you get what you see. I would rather get to know somebody and help those who think they are unworthy to talk to anybody feel special. I'm not saying that to impress anybody either, it's just the way I am programmed.
I would like to see one President go and walk the streets in the roughest neighborhoods of America and shake hands with those who think they don't count. I know Jimmy Carter has built houses for the poor through Habitat for Humanity and that is impressive. Today I ask you to do something that is out of your comfort zone. Go to somebody who you think might think may feel inferior to you. A person who you think you would never speak to, maybe it's an employee that is afraid of you because you holder a higher postition. We as the human race need to remember we are all human and God wants us all to be friends with each other.
I write this because when I sit in Walmart and sell Medicare insurance I don't usually talk to the wealthiest people in the area. My plans I sell are a $0 premium, so if people have money they usually don't discuss these plans with me because they can afford to not have them. I usually get some pretty rough people talking with me and it really doesn't matter who I talk to, as long as I can meet their finacial need for affordable healthcare. This topic just kind of came to my mind today and I felt it needed to be written. Impress somebody with your kindness and not with our wealth or power.
Wednesday, November 25, 2009
Thinking of others on Thanksgiving!
"If you think about it, the human race is pretty self-absobred. What I mean is, as a human, I am flawed in that it is difficult for me to consider others before myself. It feels like I have to fight against this force, this current within me that, more often than not, wants to avoid serious issues and please myself, buy things for myself, feed myself, entertain myself and all of that. All I'm saying is that if we, as a species, could fix our self- absorption, we could end a lot of pain in the world." - Donald Miller - Blue Like Jazz
I think about my own self - absorption all the time. I am coming to a point in my life where my wants don't really matter. I still fight the selfish ways of life everyday, but it seems like it just doesn't matter anymore. I have had a good life and now I want others to have what I have been given.
I thought about thanksgiving tomorrow and how many will not have what we will have in front of us. A large feast! Many will be living their normal life tomorrow, a life with nothing to cherish. They made it another day. Another day of begging, another day of not feeling like they matter to society, another day with nobody caring or giving them the time of day. I'm sure a lot of homeless people in New York City have been kicked out of their normal spots because of the parade tomorrow. It's amazing how we live in a country that says all men are created equal, yet we are all unequal in somebody else's sight. Our government will send millions of dollars across seas to help other countries and their poverty stricken people. But our countries poverty level continues to increase by the day.
We are a self- absorbed society. Considering ourselves before others, our desires first, then whatever is leftover we give to others. Jesus walked among the worst people of society, and others will condemn us if we are seen with a bad person. Same way with Jesus in his day, the people he hung out with raised the eyebrows of the church leaders in his day. They scolded him for being where he was, and we do the same thing today.
What would happen if we took a bunch of homeless people into our house for an amazing feast on thanksgiving. The neighbors would be talking, not all but a few would be. They would be judging us for some reason. Would you care? Probably not, you did it for unselfish reasons. Our hearts our amazingly hardened in this world, mostly because that is what Satan does to us. He puts judgement into our hearts and places also self- absorption in there. We really aren't bad people we are kept by Satan from being who we really should be. He keeps us from being complete in Christ. If Satan didn't scheme us all the time could you imagine what we could do in the name of Christ. Exactly what Donald Miller said in the last sentence of his quote. We could end a lot of pain in the world. I remind myself everyday to have the compassion and eyes of Christ. I fail at this all the time, but I strive to see others as Christ saw them. Not a problem or an embarrassment to society, but an important part in life. Look and see tomorrow what you see with the eyes of Christ. You'll be amazed when you put yourself behind you and others in front of you. Happy Thanksgiving
I think about my own self - absorption all the time. I am coming to a point in my life where my wants don't really matter. I still fight the selfish ways of life everyday, but it seems like it just doesn't matter anymore. I have had a good life and now I want others to have what I have been given.
I thought about thanksgiving tomorrow and how many will not have what we will have in front of us. A large feast! Many will be living their normal life tomorrow, a life with nothing to cherish. They made it another day. Another day of begging, another day of not feeling like they matter to society, another day with nobody caring or giving them the time of day. I'm sure a lot of homeless people in New York City have been kicked out of their normal spots because of the parade tomorrow. It's amazing how we live in a country that says all men are created equal, yet we are all unequal in somebody else's sight. Our government will send millions of dollars across seas to help other countries and their poverty stricken people. But our countries poverty level continues to increase by the day.
We are a self- absorbed society. Considering ourselves before others, our desires first, then whatever is leftover we give to others. Jesus walked among the worst people of society, and others will condemn us if we are seen with a bad person. Same way with Jesus in his day, the people he hung out with raised the eyebrows of the church leaders in his day. They scolded him for being where he was, and we do the same thing today.
What would happen if we took a bunch of homeless people into our house for an amazing feast on thanksgiving. The neighbors would be talking, not all but a few would be. They would be judging us for some reason. Would you care? Probably not, you did it for unselfish reasons. Our hearts our amazingly hardened in this world, mostly because that is what Satan does to us. He puts judgement into our hearts and places also self- absorption in there. We really aren't bad people we are kept by Satan from being who we really should be. He keeps us from being complete in Christ. If Satan didn't scheme us all the time could you imagine what we could do in the name of Christ. Exactly what Donald Miller said in the last sentence of his quote. We could end a lot of pain in the world. I remind myself everyday to have the compassion and eyes of Christ. I fail at this all the time, but I strive to see others as Christ saw them. Not a problem or an embarrassment to society, but an important part in life. Look and see tomorrow what you see with the eyes of Christ. You'll be amazed when you put yourself behind you and others in front of you. Happy Thanksgiving
Friday, November 20, 2009
Who is Right When It Comes To Gay Rights Or Anything Else?
Today there was a video posted on Facebook about a kid who won't say the pledge of allegiance in school until our country gives gays and lesbians equal rights. So I offended some people with my comment about the video. I said, "when did gays become a race. No equal rights!"
I offended a friend of mine whom I didn't know was gay. So I have spent my Friday night defending God and His holy word. I referred to the scripture in Romans 1:26-28 and then got bashed for using the Bible as a weapon and then was told by the person that is a Christian that the Bible was a book of errors written by men and their own historical point of views. Another person commented and said I was a disgrace to all men.
Here is my stance! There is no victory in a country that has gone away from God and his Holy word, a country that is relying on its own beliefs and then say they believe in God. You can't serve two masters. If you are Muslim, atheists or whatever believe in what you believe that's your choice. Respect my beliefs also. I don't push them on you and don't push yours on me. If you have a question and need some help then I will gladly share my beliefs in my God. Nobody will ever win in this world, when it comes to all people accepting one true belief. Only through Christ is there complete victory!
Nobody knows what will happen in the end. That's why I live by faith and know and hope it all is true. That is what faith is. Everybody has a faith in something, if not you are just a walking zomby. I don't judge what people decide in their lives. Chrisitians hope that we can turn others away from their sin and make them a child of Jesus. Yet, many Christians have used bigotry and hatred toward others and have condemned Gays for what they believe. I don't I just want them to realize what they are doing to their souls by being gay. We as Christians should not be hateful but loving. I do apologize to the gay community for the hatred used by many of the right wing. That's is not who I am and I will never use my Christianity for bashing. The scripture I used is what I believe, yet my sin is just as disgraceful.also. To God a sin is a sin. He does not show favortism, but love.
I do not believe in equal rights for gays though, because it is against what God stated in his holy word. But, if you believe the Bible is not the inspired word of God then you might believe differently. I have seen hatred on both sides of this agenda.
I will not go in the direction though to say anything blaspheming against the word of God. I believe God is right, and loving and nothing can separate us from Him.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
The Pattern Of God's Creation. Be leaders of His Way.
To me there is no reason to believe there is no creator. There are too many amazing things in this world to not believe. Creation mezmorizes me, there are to many signs here that seems complicated to just blow it off as a bang theory. I saw two things lastnight at work that really caught my attention. As I was moving a box in the aisle I saw a little beetle. I watched it scamper to a safe hiding place. It was funny to watch it move. I looked at its design, it looked like it could barely make it to its hiding place from me. But it did, slowly. I really wondered what its purpose in the circle of life was. It didn't seem to me it was an important role to me, but that little bug serves some type of purpose. As do all animals, for some odd reason God made that beetle for a reason to uphold our pattern in life.
About an hour later I looked up to see and hear a flock of Canadien geese fly above me. In their normal V shaped pattern. The flock had a leader guiding the pack some where. But they had a purpose and a mission that God was leading them too. About ten minutes later another flock were flying in the same direction. It amazes me to see some thing like that have a natural instinct to know where they are headed. A Godly instinct.
Many in this world want a belief in something. They just feel if there was a God in this world, they feel he would not allow bad things to happen. Not true! Things will happen both good and bad. Jesus told his disciples that they will face great trials and tribulations in life. They will be hated because they bore his name. They did face many horrible things in life. They weren't wealthy with money, they were beaten and imprisoned for what they preached. They faced death all day long.
Many feel they can't believe in something that is unseen, or have faith in a being that never talks or gives them any reason to believe. So they turn to other religions or possessions that give them a temporary hiding place. We as Christians should tell them of our sufferings in this life. We should tell them of how we are protected from death in the next world. We are considered to be slaughtered every day. Yet, we have a hope in Jesus everyday we live.
If you feel someone is headed in the wrong direction, don't press them with a bunch of scriptures, but first let them see your life and how you believe and how you don't let things get you down in this life. Be an example with doing great things for them, then they will know who you belong to. Show them the compassion that only Christ could show, be an example of him and then they will want to be like you. Living peacefully in a risen and loving Savior. We have all turned many unbelievers away by shoving our judgemental views down their throat. We condemn them to Hell for what they do. Yet, we deserve the same punishment. Be loving and not condemning. Christ was not a person who judged a person, he gave them what they asked for and then told them to go and sin no more. We are all odd balls in this world. Baptized or not we are all the same, we just have different stories and situations that have taken us in different directions. The geese would not know where they were going if they didn't have a leader to take them to their intended direction. Same with us who are in Christ, we are to be leaders of the flock and give direction to those that are lost. Be leaders in Christ with love , and not be a bunch of judgemental rats. Understand others stories and tell them about how we have been in the pits of life and how Christ brought us out and saved from this world.
About an hour later I looked up to see and hear a flock of Canadien geese fly above me. In their normal V shaped pattern. The flock had a leader guiding the pack some where. But they had a purpose and a mission that God was leading them too. About ten minutes later another flock were flying in the same direction. It amazes me to see some thing like that have a natural instinct to know where they are headed. A Godly instinct.
Many in this world want a belief in something. They just feel if there was a God in this world, they feel he would not allow bad things to happen. Not true! Things will happen both good and bad. Jesus told his disciples that they will face great trials and tribulations in life. They will be hated because they bore his name. They did face many horrible things in life. They weren't wealthy with money, they were beaten and imprisoned for what they preached. They faced death all day long.
Many feel they can't believe in something that is unseen, or have faith in a being that never talks or gives them any reason to believe. So they turn to other religions or possessions that give them a temporary hiding place. We as Christians should tell them of our sufferings in this life. We should tell them of how we are protected from death in the next world. We are considered to be slaughtered every day. Yet, we have a hope in Jesus everyday we live.
If you feel someone is headed in the wrong direction, don't press them with a bunch of scriptures, but first let them see your life and how you believe and how you don't let things get you down in this life. Be an example with doing great things for them, then they will know who you belong to. Show them the compassion that only Christ could show, be an example of him and then they will want to be like you. Living peacefully in a risen and loving Savior. We have all turned many unbelievers away by shoving our judgemental views down their throat. We condemn them to Hell for what they do. Yet, we deserve the same punishment. Be loving and not condemning. Christ was not a person who judged a person, he gave them what they asked for and then told them to go and sin no more. We are all odd balls in this world. Baptized or not we are all the same, we just have different stories and situations that have taken us in different directions. The geese would not know where they were going if they didn't have a leader to take them to their intended direction. Same with us who are in Christ, we are to be leaders of the flock and give direction to those that are lost. Be leaders in Christ with love , and not be a bunch of judgemental rats. Understand others stories and tell them about how we have been in the pits of life and how Christ brought us out and saved from this world.
Monday, November 02, 2009
Please Pray, Thanks
If you wouldn't mind. Would you please pray for my oldest child, Brayden. He is having some issues possibly with passing a kidney stone. We're not sure really waht it is yet, but the doctor said it's possible. Earlier in the year he had these same issues and they seemed to go away for about 4 months but now it is happening again. Thank you and God Bless!
Sunday, November 01, 2009
And God Said "No!"
I asked God to take away my pride, and God said, "No".
He said it was not for Him to take away, but for me to give up.
I asked God to make my handicapped child whole, and God said, "No".
He said her spirit is whole, her body is only temporary.
I asked God to grand me patience, and God said, "No".
He said that patience is a by-product of tribulation, it isn't granted, it's earned.
I asked God to give me happiness, and God said, "No".
He said He gives blessings, happiness is up to me.
I asked God to spare me pain, and God said, "No".
He said, "Suffering draws you apart from worldly cares and brings you closer to me."
I asked God to make my spirit grow, and God said, "No".
He said I must grow on my own, but he would prune me to make me fruitful.
I asked God if He loved me, and God said, "Yes".
He gave me His only Son who died for me, and I will be in Heaven someday because I believe.
I asked God to help me love others, as much as He loves me.
And God said, "Ah, finally, you have the idea"- Author unknown
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Halloween Home Alone!
Since I have had the flu and have missed work the past couple of days. I have to stay home while everybody else has their trick or treating fun. My fever went away through the night so I'm not contagious anymore. I still don't want to be around anybody though.
I do have candy ready just in case somebody might come to the door. The thing that stinks is there might be nobody come to the door. Our town here is a Christian based community, so they all do trunk or treat. Which I don't like because I am a traditionalist. I like the kids coming to our house and getting their treats. But, as a parent of 3 kids I can understand the safety part of doing this. Plus, it is an outreach for the churches which is good. The churches need to show they can come outside of the building and show others we are friendly and loving and not a bunch of judgemental rats.
I have a lot of good memories of halloween. I remember most of my costumes that my mother made for me and my sister. The best but worst costume she made for me was Yoda from Star Wars. It was made well, but she used burlap for the material. I scratched all night long. You had to be tough in our neighborhood to go treating. It was nothing but hillsides. I believe it was the only time my Dad got exercise. We would do our neighborhood and then go over to my Papaw's and go through their neighborhood. We were very tired by the time it was all over but it was good times I will always cherish forever.
I do have candy ready just in case somebody might come to the door. The thing that stinks is there might be nobody come to the door. Our town here is a Christian based community, so they all do trunk or treat. Which I don't like because I am a traditionalist. I like the kids coming to our house and getting their treats. But, as a parent of 3 kids I can understand the safety part of doing this. Plus, it is an outreach for the churches which is good. The churches need to show they can come outside of the building and show others we are friendly and loving and not a bunch of judgemental rats.
I have a lot of good memories of halloween. I remember most of my costumes that my mother made for me and my sister. The best but worst costume she made for me was Yoda from Star Wars. It was made well, but she used burlap for the material. I scratched all night long. You had to be tough in our neighborhood to go treating. It was nothing but hillsides. I believe it was the only time my Dad got exercise. We would do our neighborhood and then go over to my Papaw's and go through their neighborhood. We were very tired by the time it was all over but it was good times I will always cherish forever.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Fighters in the ring of life.
Today I was diagnosed with Influenza A. I have really felt bad the past couple of days, and really hope it goes away soon. I really can't afford to miss work. I was thinking the other day about how healthy I have been over my life. I have never spent a day in the hospital, never had a broken arm, even though I deserved one. I often think about those who have spent the majority of their life in the hospital. Especially the little children in hospitals like St. Judes. Many fighting for their life before they even have a chance to live their life. I have been praying for this lady here in Searcy. She has been fighting cancer for the longest time.
Her sister is a teacher at Harding Academy and has really helped her during her battle. She often keeps us updated through Facebook on her condition. Some of the people in this world we call heroes aren't really hroes. It's people like this that are my heroes. Fighters in the ring of life. The little infants and children who fight daily to stay alive and want to enjoy life like every other child. I often wonder why little children have to suffer or good people like the lady I mentioned above have to go through such struggles to live.
Many would rather the murders and child molesters suffer more then those good people. But that is not how life works here. It's unfair, but those of us who call upon the Lord know there is a better place. A place that is beyond our imagination, no sickness and no pain. I pray for those who are fighting sickness and disabilities to keep fighting. You are my heroes!
Her sister is a teacher at Harding Academy and has really helped her during her battle. She often keeps us updated through Facebook on her condition. Some of the people in this world we call heroes aren't really hroes. It's people like this that are my heroes. Fighters in the ring of life. The little infants and children who fight daily to stay alive and want to enjoy life like every other child. I often wonder why little children have to suffer or good people like the lady I mentioned above have to go through such struggles to live.
Many would rather the murders and child molesters suffer more then those good people. But that is not how life works here. It's unfair, but those of us who call upon the Lord know there is a better place. A place that is beyond our imagination, no sickness and no pain. I pray for those who are fighting sickness and disabilities to keep fighting. You are my heroes!
Tuesday, October 27, 2009
Quilt Of Holes
This is beautiful!
Quilt of Holes
As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord along with all the other souls.
Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles; an angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that is our life.
But as my angel took each piece of cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in every day life. I saw hardships that I endured, which were the largest holes of all.
I glanced around me. Nobody else had such squares. Other than a tiny hole here and there, the other tapestries were filled with rich color and the bright hues of worldly fortune. I gazed upon my own life and was disheartened.
My angel was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like binding air.
Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed, held up to the light, the scrutiny of truth. The others rose; each in turn, holding up their tapestries. So filled their lives had been. My angel looked upon me,and nodded for me to rise.
My gaze dropped to the ground in shame. I hadn't had all the earthly fortunes. I had love in my life, and laughter. But there had also been trials of illness, and wealth, and false accusations that took from me my world, as I knew it. I had to start over many times. I often struggled with the temptation to quit, only to somehow muster the strength to pick up and begin again. I spent many nights on my knees in prayer, asking for help and guidance in my life. I had often been held up to ridicule, which I endured painfully, each time offering it up to the Father in hopes that I would not melt within my skin beneath the judgmental gaze of those who unfairly judged me.
And now, I had to face the truth. My life was what it was, and I had to accept it for what it was.
I rose and slowly lifted the combined squares of my life to the light. An awe-filled gasp filled the air. I gazed around at the others who stared at me with wide eyes.
Then, I looked upon the tapestry before me. Light flooded the many holes,creating an image, the face of Christ.. Then our Lord stood before me, with warmth and love in His eyes. He said, 'Every time you gave over your life to Me, it became My life, My hardships, and My struggles.
Each point of light in your life is when you stepped aside and let Me shine through, until there was more of Me than there was of you.'
May all our quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing Christ to shine through!
God determines who walks into your life's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.'
I need this back. If you'll do this for me, I'll do it for you....When there is nothing left but God that is when you find out that God is all you need. - Author Unknown
Quilt of Holes
As I faced my Maker at the last judgment, I knelt before the Lord along with all the other souls.
Before each of us laid our lives like the squares of a quilt in many piles; an angel sat before each of us sewing our quilt squares together into a tapestry that is our life.
But as my angel took each piece of cloth off the pile, I noticed how ragged and empty each of my squares was. They were filled with giant holes. Each square was labeled with a part of my life that had been difficult, the challenges and temptations I was faced with in every day life. I saw hardships that I endured, which were the largest holes of all.
I glanced around me. Nobody else had such squares. Other than a tiny hole here and there, the other tapestries were filled with rich color and the bright hues of worldly fortune. I gazed upon my own life and was disheartened.
My angel was sewing the ragged pieces of cloth together, threadbare and empty, like binding air.
Finally the time came when each life was to be displayed, held up to the light, the scrutiny of truth. The others rose; each in turn, holding up their tapestries. So filled their lives had been. My angel looked upon me,and nodded for me to rise.
My gaze dropped to the ground in shame. I hadn't had all the earthly fortunes. I had love in my life, and laughter. But there had also been trials of illness, and wealth, and false accusations that took from me my world, as I knew it. I had to start over many times. I often struggled with the temptation to quit, only to somehow muster the strength to pick up and begin again. I spent many nights on my knees in prayer, asking for help and guidance in my life. I had often been held up to ridicule, which I endured painfully, each time offering it up to the Father in hopes that I would not melt within my skin beneath the judgmental gaze of those who unfairly judged me.
And now, I had to face the truth. My life was what it was, and I had to accept it for what it was.
I rose and slowly lifted the combined squares of my life to the light. An awe-filled gasp filled the air. I gazed around at the others who stared at me with wide eyes.
Then, I looked upon the tapestry before me. Light flooded the many holes,creating an image, the face of Christ.. Then our Lord stood before me, with warmth and love in His eyes. He said, 'Every time you gave over your life to Me, it became My life, My hardships, and My struggles.
Each point of light in your life is when you stepped aside and let Me shine through, until there was more of Me than there was of you.'
May all our quilts be threadbare and worn, allowing Christ to shine through!
God determines who walks into your life's up to you to decide who you let walk away, who you let stay, and who you refuse to let go.'
I need this back. If you'll do this for me, I'll do it for you....When there is nothing left but God that is when you find out that God is all you need. - Author Unknown
Missing My Grandmothers
Yesterday we had Grandparents day and it was a wonderful time at Harding Academy. I looked at every grandparent and saw their great joy and pride they had in their grandchildren. The relationships between the kids and their grandma and grandpa is a special one. It's amazing to see the glory of the Lord through this relationship of human beings. I know my parents are proud of my children and who they are and how wonderful it is for them to be here and be around them. This is love at it's best.
I always get kind of emotional on grandparents day. I some times feel a little jealousy, because my kids know both sets of their grandparents and I never did. I never knew my grandmothers. My dad's mother I vaguely remember and my mom's mother died when my mom was young. So i often wonder what they were like, what their voices sounded like. How loving they would have been? Or what kind of cookies they made? Would they be proud of me? I really don't know a whole lot about them, But I know they were very kind and loving women. Just to hear them say my name would be a blessing. I do long for the day when we will all be together and we will all share eternity together. At least believing in a loving and kind God there is hope to see those from the past again. There will be no pain, no fears and no sadness. What a great day that will be. Take time to remember the people in your family you never met and be glad we'll see them in heaven.
I always get kind of emotional on grandparents day. I some times feel a little jealousy, because my kids know both sets of their grandparents and I never did. I never knew my grandmothers. My dad's mother I vaguely remember and my mom's mother died when my mom was young. So i often wonder what they were like, what their voices sounded like. How loving they would have been? Or what kind of cookies they made? Would they be proud of me? I really don't know a whole lot about them, But I know they were very kind and loving women. Just to hear them say my name would be a blessing. I do long for the day when we will all be together and we will all share eternity together. At least believing in a loving and kind God there is hope to see those from the past again. There will be no pain, no fears and no sadness. What a great day that will be. Take time to remember the people in your family you never met and be glad we'll see them in heaven.
Sunday, October 11, 2009
A Peace of Mind.
This morning we talked about peace. How do you find it or describe it? My answer to this two part question is simple. I think we all need to find a peace of mind. Our minds need to slow down and think of things other than the worries of today and the future. We have no control over what is in the future or today. It comes as it happens, our ability to handle the terrible situations means we must take it on with God by our side. We must start today in being deep rooted in our beliefs and the word of God. As we are rooted well in our faith and our knowledge of God's word the battle will not seem so overwhelming. I have done this well. I truly believe I can handle some tough situations just because I have a tough faith and good understanding I am not alone. God is with me and you.
Now worrying is not my thing. I have my fathers genes, he is chilled out about everything, but I am nowhere near his calmness. I have some of my mother's genes also. I won't get into that. :) But a peace of mind I am working hard on, I really believe that all things work out for those who believe. I try not to focus to far ahead in the future, I just see what the day will bring. I have always believed that worrying is someone else's problem not mine. Nothing really gets me frazzled and I focus on what I might be able to do to make the problem less of a hassle. That usually works. But our mind needs to slow down a lot. I know we all have pressures in our families, our workplace and other areas of life, but we need to offer our problems to God. I got a little worked up this weekend because my heart started its funny heart beat and I couldn't understand why it was doing it. I'm on medicine, but I prayed and it has since quit doing it. A relief!
With all the things going on in our world it adds to the stress, but I decided to turn off the 24 hour news stations and just ignore all the lies they state to get their ratings up. The news stations bring a lot of garbage to us. It's to the point where you can't believe anybody on there. So it's gone from my TV, and life has been less of a worry. I read a lot of Christian living books, these books have brought peace to my mind. I have a list of them in the right hand column on this blog. They are defintely worth reading.
As I look at this picture of pumpkins I get a good sense of relief looking at them. I believe God gave us holidays and the decorations that come with them to give us relief, a peace of mind. Fall is a sign of change in our world and our lives. Just like in our own lives we can have a season of change every day, if we allow it. God wants us to change for the good in all things. To become better at life and better in him. To find that peace of mind that only he can give. Give yourself a break and do something great. Take time to help others and give them some peace in their mind. Make room for God and he will clean out those worries on your mind. Be blessed with peace in him and you will find things will be better.
Now worrying is not my thing. I have my fathers genes, he is chilled out about everything, but I am nowhere near his calmness. I have some of my mother's genes also. I won't get into that. :) But a peace of mind I am working hard on, I really believe that all things work out for those who believe. I try not to focus to far ahead in the future, I just see what the day will bring. I have always believed that worrying is someone else's problem not mine. Nothing really gets me frazzled and I focus on what I might be able to do to make the problem less of a hassle. That usually works. But our mind needs to slow down a lot. I know we all have pressures in our families, our workplace and other areas of life, but we need to offer our problems to God. I got a little worked up this weekend because my heart started its funny heart beat and I couldn't understand why it was doing it. I'm on medicine, but I prayed and it has since quit doing it. A relief!
With all the things going on in our world it adds to the stress, but I decided to turn off the 24 hour news stations and just ignore all the lies they state to get their ratings up. The news stations bring a lot of garbage to us. It's to the point where you can't believe anybody on there. So it's gone from my TV, and life has been less of a worry. I read a lot of Christian living books, these books have brought peace to my mind. I have a list of them in the right hand column on this blog. They are defintely worth reading.
As I look at this picture of pumpkins I get a good sense of relief looking at them. I believe God gave us holidays and the decorations that come with them to give us relief, a peace of mind. Fall is a sign of change in our world and our lives. Just like in our own lives we can have a season of change every day, if we allow it. God wants us to change for the good in all things. To become better at life and better in him. To find that peace of mind that only he can give. Give yourself a break and do something great. Take time to help others and give them some peace in their mind. Make room for God and he will clean out those worries on your mind. Be blessed with peace in him and you will find things will be better.
Friday, October 02, 2009
To My Darling Shannon. Happy Tenth Anniversary!
Hard to believe this is us 11 years ago. Young and in love. Today marks our 10 th wedding anniversary, and I am thankful. Our story started one night when her friends and her boyfriend at the time came over to our apartment. I didn't know who she was then, but I had my sights set on her. About 6 months later she was single and we finally got together and have been together ever since. God started writing our story, and what a great story it has become. Three kids full of great energy and a cat. God has blessed us in so many ways we sometimes have missed the blessings he has given us.
We are a simple couple, we often hide behind the scenes and hang out with our children. I enjoy having lunch with her while the kids are at school and we just enjoy being with each other. We've had our arguments and days of just needing to be away from each other, but we always have a great love that bonds us together. I am thankful for God and His ability to put certain people together for a reason, his reasons. I believe he has blessed me with a perfect girl, someone who loves life and wants the best for all of us. She is my dream that finally came true, my princess whose love will ever consume me. Today I am thankful for her love, and her willingness to love me as a complicated man sometimes. May God bless our marriage! I love you , Shannon
We are a simple couple, we often hide behind the scenes and hang out with our children. I enjoy having lunch with her while the kids are at school and we just enjoy being with each other. We've had our arguments and days of just needing to be away from each other, but we always have a great love that bonds us together. I am thankful for God and His ability to put certain people together for a reason, his reasons. I believe he has blessed me with a perfect girl, someone who loves life and wants the best for all of us. She is my dream that finally came true, my princess whose love will ever consume me. Today I am thankful for her love, and her willingness to love me as a complicated man sometimes. May God bless our marriage! I love you , Shannon
Wednesday, September 30, 2009
The Amazing Love I See in God's Animals
I really love to watch the nature of animals and insects here among us. They just amaze me, to see them do what they do. Like this little bug in this picture, what are his or her goals for the day? How simple can their little lives be? What makes them have the ability to do whatever they do? Their brain must be so tiny that you could not even find it without mushing it. Yet, God sees them just as important to life as any other creature on the Earth. I look at our cat Shelby and just marvel at her. The way she acts sometimes is something to behold. I always thought cats were just stupid. They're not like dogs, they don't sniff at the dinner table or lick in you in the face when you pet them. They just kind of do their own thing. Shelby has always liked to roam around in the outdoors all summer long. Sometimes she never shows up till morning or she will pull the meowing at the front door right after I decide to set the alarm for the night.
Since it has become a little cooler during the night she seems to be liking to sleep in the house at night. When she is in the house in the morning she roams around the house looking for the kids while they are at school. She misses them, and when they arrive she is in the middle of them. She has become our spoiled little cat it seems, and I have taken a liking to her though. She is a good cat well behaved, doesn't get on the counter tops or the tables. She just seems to like our being around her. It's almost sad to think that nobody wanted her and just left her near our house. She is just a cat that is sweet and has feelings.
I wander in amazement that God gave us such a variety of animals to choose from to become our pets and be able to enjoy them as much as all of us has. Our God is a lover of his children and his animals he created. He put a lot into making all these wonderful creatures, that they have the ability to make the lonely feel wanted. That they are able to be trained to help the blind walk, to help the elderly smile and make the sickest of children happy and cheerful. For those who feel God is against them or feel that our God is a God that brings evil upon this Earth, think again! He is God of great love. If he can bring love to the simplest animals here, take a look at the love he brings to every man, woman and child. Our God is a living Creator that continues to bring about pure happiness and great love to His people. Make the choice to be loved by the Lord above. Take a look at your pet tonight and see the what the creator put into them to be able to do what they can do. I stand in awe of our Creator!
Since it has become a little cooler during the night she seems to be liking to sleep in the house at night. When she is in the house in the morning she roams around the house looking for the kids while they are at school. She misses them, and when they arrive she is in the middle of them. She has become our spoiled little cat it seems, and I have taken a liking to her though. She is a good cat well behaved, doesn't get on the counter tops or the tables. She just seems to like our being around her. It's almost sad to think that nobody wanted her and just left her near our house. She is just a cat that is sweet and has feelings.
I wander in amazement that God gave us such a variety of animals to choose from to become our pets and be able to enjoy them as much as all of us has. Our God is a lover of his children and his animals he created. He put a lot into making all these wonderful creatures, that they have the ability to make the lonely feel wanted. That they are able to be trained to help the blind walk, to help the elderly smile and make the sickest of children happy and cheerful. For those who feel God is against them or feel that our God is a God that brings evil upon this Earth, think again! He is God of great love. If he can bring love to the simplest animals here, take a look at the love he brings to every man, woman and child. Our God is a living Creator that continues to bring about pure happiness and great love to His people. Make the choice to be loved by the Lord above. Take a look at your pet tonight and see the what the creator put into them to be able to do what they can do. I stand in awe of our Creator!
Monday, September 28, 2009
God's Amazing Gift of Grace
You know it's funny about all the things man has taken credit for. If someone invents something, the phrase is so and so has invented this or that. Then they make a lot of money and become great among their peers and accept the praise from everyone. Their head inflates about 6 times it normal size. They are known for years for inventing a device or finding the cure for cancer. Even after they are dead they are still held in high esteem for their ability or talent to figure out this mystery of life.
So when I look at this picture of fire what is the phrase that comes to mind about the invention of fire. "Man discovered fire!" In never came out as Man invented fire does it? Why doesn't it state "invent" instead of "discover?" Somebody way back then realized that fire was supposed to be. Discovered not invented. It was God who invented it. Fire was to be a natural part of his creation. It's his, not ours! So why is it nowaday's that it is invented for everything that is really discovered?
As I read more about the fall of man in the garden of Eden, it seems it was all going to be told. God was willing to show man all that is supposed to be in existence. Who knows what God had planned to show man. He was willing to show him all there is supposed to be in creation. There was not to be any question about anything, everything was there every answer to every question. Because God walked with man in the garden. But then the fruit was plucked and then the bite was taken and sin was brought forth. Our answers were turned into questions, and confusion set in and man had to discover what was supposed to be. But instead of discovery it became invention, our creation, and we took the credit and didn't give God any praise for it. I've come to realize over the years that all we have is the Lord's and not ours. Everything we have, see smell, touch and taste is God's. It is all loaned out from Him to us- It's called Grace. Grace is a gift given to the undeserved, which is us. Many live life in God's grace and don't even realize it. The man who claims to have invented something, it's not his idea but the fact through God's grace God set forth to the man or women the knowledge to do something great. But do any of us realize this? Not all! But some do and they realize that God has given us a clue through his gift of grace. The answer or design was already in God's closet of inventions he just allowed us to figure it out so he would get a little thanks for something so great. When we think we have invented something or found an answer to a life long question, don't take the credit give it all to God. Grace is amazing isn't it?
So when I look at this picture of fire what is the phrase that comes to mind about the invention of fire. "Man discovered fire!" In never came out as Man invented fire does it? Why doesn't it state "invent" instead of "discover?" Somebody way back then realized that fire was supposed to be. Discovered not invented. It was God who invented it. Fire was to be a natural part of his creation. It's his, not ours! So why is it nowaday's that it is invented for everything that is really discovered?
As I read more about the fall of man in the garden of Eden, it seems it was all going to be told. God was willing to show man all that is supposed to be in existence. Who knows what God had planned to show man. He was willing to show him all there is supposed to be in creation. There was not to be any question about anything, everything was there every answer to every question. Because God walked with man in the garden. But then the fruit was plucked and then the bite was taken and sin was brought forth. Our answers were turned into questions, and confusion set in and man had to discover what was supposed to be. But instead of discovery it became invention, our creation, and we took the credit and didn't give God any praise for it. I've come to realize over the years that all we have is the Lord's and not ours. Everything we have, see smell, touch and taste is God's. It is all loaned out from Him to us- It's called Grace. Grace is a gift given to the undeserved, which is us. Many live life in God's grace and don't even realize it. The man who claims to have invented something, it's not his idea but the fact through God's grace God set forth to the man or women the knowledge to do something great. But do any of us realize this? Not all! But some do and they realize that God has given us a clue through his gift of grace. The answer or design was already in God's closet of inventions he just allowed us to figure it out so he would get a little thanks for something so great. When we think we have invented something or found an answer to a life long question, don't take the credit give it all to God. Grace is amazing isn't it?
Saturday, September 26, 2009
October is Coming~ :)
I thought this was a pretty cool and spooky picture to put on here, because October is just around the corner. October is probably my favorite month of the year. Two reasons, it is my birthday and anniversary month. I will be 36 on the 3rd and will be married for ten years on the 2nd. I always enjoy the fallish weather and the thought of pumkins and the beautiful leaves coming forth. I just love football even more this month. It's just a great time of the year. I'm trying to think of things to write for this month. I have no ideas though, I usually just write off the top of my head. So if you have any great ideas or any inspirational stories to share I would be glad to share them with those who read this blog. I need comments to let me know what you think of this blog, if it's bad or doing some good for most who read it. Feedback is always helpful. So please continue to read and give me your ideas in furthering God's word. Thanks, Clint
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
He's Got The Whole World In His Hands!
This is a picture of New York city taken from atop of the Empire State building by a friend of mine. When I look at it I have one thought. There is a lot of things going on in that picture. Even though it's just a picture of buildings. There is a lot of action in this picture. New York has a lot of people roaming that area. So that means a lot of thoughts are going on, decisions are being made, crime is on the loose, people are working, birds and insects and other animals are going about their business also. Homeless people are searching for food to survive. They are holding out cups to get a few handouts. Drug dealers are pushing their products to people and kids to make a dishonest dollar and hooking a new client. Good decisions are also being made in this picture, somebody is probably accepting Christ at that very moment. Many hopefully, have decided that they have had enough and said it was time to give it all to God. There are people in this picture that have decided they can't take anymore and left their spouse or decided to leave this world by their own actions.
There is fear in some people from the day of 9/11 that wonder if a plane is going to strike their building. There are people who are working and thinking about someone else other than their spouse and decide to take the action with the other person that they have been desiring for a long time. I'm sure there are some bad and illegal business decisions going on in one of those buildings. It being morning the prostitutes are resting from there long night of making money for sex. The mafia also are still lurking in the picture somewhere getting ready to make some very illegal decisions to harm somebody in some way. Cussing, there are a lot of people doing that in that picture especially on Wall Street. Yet, I'm sure somewhere in this picture somebody is praying, pleading to the Creator to help all these caught up in the world to take the step and repent.
In one small picture of the largest city in the United States there is so much going on. An anthill in action in constant movement. Probably doing more than what I have mentioned above. Yet, one Being is in control of it all taking care of every thought, every person and every animal and plant and molecule on the Earth. Seeing it all. Keeping it all in control and held together. To me that is amazing! I stand in awe of our God!
There is fear in some people from the day of 9/11 that wonder if a plane is going to strike their building. There are people who are working and thinking about someone else other than their spouse and decide to take the action with the other person that they have been desiring for a long time. I'm sure there are some bad and illegal business decisions going on in one of those buildings. It being morning the prostitutes are resting from there long night of making money for sex. The mafia also are still lurking in the picture somewhere getting ready to make some very illegal decisions to harm somebody in some way. Cussing, there are a lot of people doing that in that picture especially on Wall Street. Yet, I'm sure somewhere in this picture somebody is praying, pleading to the Creator to help all these caught up in the world to take the step and repent.
In one small picture of the largest city in the United States there is so much going on. An anthill in action in constant movement. Probably doing more than what I have mentioned above. Yet, one Being is in control of it all taking care of every thought, every person and every animal and plant and molecule on the Earth. Seeing it all. Keeping it all in control and held together. To me that is amazing! I stand in awe of our God!
Sunday, September 20, 2009
So The Glory Of God May Be Revealed
I think this is a super idea for handicap kids to do. I found this picture on a friends Facebook page tonight. Her stepson is handicap and it was his first tops soccer game. It's awesome to see something like this going on for these precious children. The last time I passed a handicapped child it broke my heart. It just kills me to see a child like that. But it is humbling at the same time. My complaints seem worthless and I feel puny. I have no reason to complain when I see and think of children who are handicapped. They have had a much tougher road than you and I will ever know. I often think about the courage of these parents to live everyday to see their child in this condition. I really think all those parents would trade positions with their child every day if they could. We think the parents have a tough time with raising a handicap child, and we feel sorry for them. But I believe that child is given to parents who are humbled by the experience. I have never known a parent who was ticked off at God because they were dealt a bad card. No! That child is well cared for and loved.
I remember the verse in the Bible when the disciples asked about the handicapped person. They asked, "Who sinned him or his parents?" Jesus said it happened to reveal the glory of God. It does, it allows us to see our selfishness and allows us to see how God works through everything and everyone. It awakens us to think less of our complaints and allows us to want to love more. Almost every person whom I have known handicapped are strong individuals that have excepted their inability to do most things and carry on with daily life. We as individuals are constant complainers and really feel we deserve better. But we have no excuse to complain about anything. Use your God given abilty and talent to give hope to all. Include all, in every one of your activities. Don't exclude anybody for any reason. Show God's love to all and let the world know of God's love through our daily example. Make footprints in time.
I remember the verse in the Bible when the disciples asked about the handicapped person. They asked, "Who sinned him or his parents?" Jesus said it happened to reveal the glory of God. It does, it allows us to see our selfishness and allows us to see how God works through everything and everyone. It awakens us to think less of our complaints and allows us to want to love more. Almost every person whom I have known handicapped are strong individuals that have excepted their inability to do most things and carry on with daily life. We as individuals are constant complainers and really feel we deserve better. But we have no excuse to complain about anything. Use your God given abilty and talent to give hope to all. Include all, in every one of your activities. Don't exclude anybody for any reason. Show God's love to all and let the world know of God's love through our daily example. Make footprints in time.
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
The Constant Ride of Life. It's Killing Us!
There are many in this life that feel like their life is a constant ride on a ferris wheel. They keep going in a circle that won't let them off. They have no end to the ongoing drama in their life. They have no peace, they just keep trying to answer life on their own terms. They believe their life is their own and that they have to do it all by their selves. Many have heard of the peace that God can give them, the rest and answers they are looking for are right there in front of them. Stress keeps their mind at ruin. They don't know how to slow down, and the bad situations they are in have no end.
We have an answer, an end to all this crud that has been put upon us. I came to a point in my life where I just had to say enough is enough. I had to humble myself and go to God and give it all to him. At that moment he came in and made it right. There was alot in their he had to clean up. Guilt, sin, loss of hope, fear and arrogance. It didn't happen over night it took a long time and a lot of prayer. Earnest prayer! I didn't promise God anything I just asked for him to take over and transform me over time. He has and continues to do a good work in me. I found the end of the ferris wheel, the world let me off and I met my Creator there. Many in this world are hard hearted, they believe they have it all under control and that their decison of taking the steering wheel of life and driving it themselves will go in the right direction. It won't!
I saw a sign the other day that read, "Do not conform but tranform." We all conform to this world and follow what the planet says to do, but it doesn't make any sense. We are just like the rest of the world, we conform. Transform. God wants us to transform in him. That we might transform others into the way he wants us. Nothing good comes out of the devils way of life. It's amazing when you see the way God sees things. Interest in money becomes less, helping others makes people happier. Thinking less of self and more of others makes things and life make sense. Take your life to a higher standard. Allow God to come into your life and feel his presence there right with you and in you. He will never leave you, when you have questions he has an answer. Life is great when there is help in all things.
I have a list of books that I believe God led me to. They are listed on the right hand column on my blog. If you seriously have questions these books will give you the answers. Many of them cleared up my questions that I had, they inspired me to believe in a God who is loving yet determined to keep me in line and give me all the insight I need to battle the pressures of Satan. I have been transformed and in a life process to becoming what God wants me to be. Allow him to get you off of the ferris wheel of life and become one with him.
We have an answer, an end to all this crud that has been put upon us. I came to a point in my life where I just had to say enough is enough. I had to humble myself and go to God and give it all to him. At that moment he came in and made it right. There was alot in their he had to clean up. Guilt, sin, loss of hope, fear and arrogance. It didn't happen over night it took a long time and a lot of prayer. Earnest prayer! I didn't promise God anything I just asked for him to take over and transform me over time. He has and continues to do a good work in me. I found the end of the ferris wheel, the world let me off and I met my Creator there. Many in this world are hard hearted, they believe they have it all under control and that their decison of taking the steering wheel of life and driving it themselves will go in the right direction. It won't!
I saw a sign the other day that read, "Do not conform but tranform." We all conform to this world and follow what the planet says to do, but it doesn't make any sense. We are just like the rest of the world, we conform. Transform. God wants us to transform in him. That we might transform others into the way he wants us. Nothing good comes out of the devils way of life. It's amazing when you see the way God sees things. Interest in money becomes less, helping others makes people happier. Thinking less of self and more of others makes things and life make sense. Take your life to a higher standard. Allow God to come into your life and feel his presence there right with you and in you. He will never leave you, when you have questions he has an answer. Life is great when there is help in all things.
I have a list of books that I believe God led me to. They are listed on the right hand column on my blog. If you seriously have questions these books will give you the answers. Many of them cleared up my questions that I had, they inspired me to believe in a God who is loving yet determined to keep me in line and give me all the insight I need to battle the pressures of Satan. I have been transformed and in a life process to becoming what God wants me to be. Allow him to get you off of the ferris wheel of life and become one with him.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
Missing Oppurtunities From God. Lacking in Our Faith.
I don't give God the praise he deserves. I get so wrapped up in the daily routine that I miss great oppurtunties to give praise to God the Father. There are times in my life that I want to set the world on fire. To show others how many oppurtunities that God has given us. Yet, I stayed away from them because I wanted to play it safe. I didn't want to miss out, but I wanted to play the role of safety. I believe God wants us to take the risks, he wants us to take a leap of faith and trust in him. But we don't! Some do and have found great blessings by doing the leap.
I don't want to play it safe anymore. I want to be that person that takes a huge step out of my comfort zone and takes the risk. If we fall on our face we can always get back up and take another punch or we can play it safe and duck the punch. I usually am the person who is a day late and a dollar short. That's how things have always panned out. Maybe I missed the voice of God calling me to take a step toward an oppurtunity that he had planned for me. Missing the chance to serve him through another person, is something i always play it safe with. To me that is a very sad oppurtunity missed, and it saddens him because I had a small faith. We as Christians need to look very closely at oppurtunities to grab an offer from God.
I have been reading about how we should see with the eyes of Christ. Our goals in life should not be about oppurtunties of making money, but chances to see others with the compassion of Christ. To see somebody in need of love and a slight glimpse of hope. We have been given more than our cup can hold from God. He wants to be served and loved by serving others in the name of Christ. Money is nice, but it doesn't buy our complete satifaction and never will. But serving others is how we will find a lot of satisfaction in life. Satan wants nothing holy in our lives, so he takes us and makes us timid and selfish and we stay right where he wants us. He keeps us focused on ourselves and keeps us from seeking the oppurtunity that God wants us to take on. Our world wants us to be completely focused on our needs and satisfaction. We need to take the leap of faith and seek God's oppurtunities as he presents them for us to do. May God bless us with a faith in him that will take on his unseen journey for us and others.
I don't want to play it safe anymore. I want to be that person that takes a huge step out of my comfort zone and takes the risk. If we fall on our face we can always get back up and take another punch or we can play it safe and duck the punch. I usually am the person who is a day late and a dollar short. That's how things have always panned out. Maybe I missed the voice of God calling me to take a step toward an oppurtunity that he had planned for me. Missing the chance to serve him through another person, is something i always play it safe with. To me that is a very sad oppurtunity missed, and it saddens him because I had a small faith. We as Christians need to look very closely at oppurtunities to grab an offer from God.
I have been reading about how we should see with the eyes of Christ. Our goals in life should not be about oppurtunties of making money, but chances to see others with the compassion of Christ. To see somebody in need of love and a slight glimpse of hope. We have been given more than our cup can hold from God. He wants to be served and loved by serving others in the name of Christ. Money is nice, but it doesn't buy our complete satifaction and never will. But serving others is how we will find a lot of satisfaction in life. Satan wants nothing holy in our lives, so he takes us and makes us timid and selfish and we stay right where he wants us. He keeps us focused on ourselves and keeps us from seeking the oppurtunity that God wants us to take on. Our world wants us to be completely focused on our needs and satisfaction. We need to take the leap of faith and seek God's oppurtunities as he presents them for us to do. May God bless us with a faith in him that will take on his unseen journey for us and others.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Go Steelers!
Well, it's that time again when the Steeler nation gathers around the TV and rejoices to see the greatest team on Earth. My jersey is on and my Terrible Towel is in hand. Here we go Steelers, Here we go!!!!!!!!!!
Wednesday, September 09, 2009
A Very Good Speech!
I usually watch these Presidential addresses when they are on. I remember when I was little and I would complain because they were on and keeping me from watching a certain program. I used to complain when Clinton or Bush were going to speak, but now I really don't complain. Tonight was a great speech, I never really study these speeches ever, but I did tonight. I knew there would be some tension in the room where Obama spoke this evening. At one point somebody yelled out "It's a lie!" It's the first time I have seen that happen. It disrurpted his speech for a moment, but it did not stop Obama from making his point.
It was very clear in the speech of what his intentions are for health care reform, and I agree with it. It sounded really like a good plan. Obama addressed the lies, which was a very good thing to do. A lot of the fear and anger have been because of all the misleading accusations from others who don't want health care reform.
I noticed something different about this President than all the former ones. He fights for the underdog, he believes we can all be on the same page in life and he wants to help all who can't help themselves. I also noticed that when people stood there and clapped he didn't stand there and enjoy the applause like former Presidents. He wanted to speak ang not stand in the glory he was being given. If you watch this speech with an open mind, and hear without prejudice ears you will hear and see what I heard. I'm not an Obama praiser or do I support all his actions, but I did see something I liked about him though. Hopefully, this reform on healthcare will pass and workout the way he thinks it will and will do all he says it will do, then maybe we can all rest and finally feel good about something he did! May God Bless Us all
It was very clear in the speech of what his intentions are for health care reform, and I agree with it. It sounded really like a good plan. Obama addressed the lies, which was a very good thing to do. A lot of the fear and anger have been because of all the misleading accusations from others who don't want health care reform.
I noticed something different about this President than all the former ones. He fights for the underdog, he believes we can all be on the same page in life and he wants to help all who can't help themselves. I also noticed that when people stood there and clapped he didn't stand there and enjoy the applause like former Presidents. He wanted to speak ang not stand in the glory he was being given. If you watch this speech with an open mind, and hear without prejudice ears you will hear and see what I heard. I'm not an Obama praiser or do I support all his actions, but I did see something I liked about him though. Hopefully, this reform on healthcare will pass and workout the way he thinks it will and will do all he says it will do, then maybe we can all rest and finally feel good about something he did! May God Bless Us all
Monday, September 07, 2009
The Fear Against Our Freedom

But the controversy drives me nuts! Somebody has decided that they don't like Obama, so they have turned against him and decided to start a fight. I don't completely agree with all of Obama's decision, but nobody gives anybody a chance anymore. We are a closed minded nation who wants nothing to do with change. We went through a lot of crap with Bush for 8 years I'm sure we can take a little more. But hopefully things will be better. Bush started the mess with the bailouts and we now have to grin and bare more bailouts.
We are so fearful of this guy turning our nation into a communist one. We live in fear, we are angered about health care so much, that fights are breaking out in the protest lines. It just doesn't make sense. If you look at our health care, it's a system of total greed! All this controversy is being driven by a bunch of money hungry lobbyists and insurance companies who don't want to lose any of that green paper we give so much value to. Stand back and pray about all these lies that are triggering through our nation. I don't do politics at all. There is to much noise going on between two sides that really don't have a clue of what they're really doing either. It's just a mess. I'm sure I will get a comment on here that will try to persuade me into believing the agenda of either party. But I won't listen, my life revolves around God not politics. If God wanted me to live on the streets I would. Because He would have a reason, so that his will be done. Don't live in the realm of this world and its lies, live to see what God's will is for all of us and then live by His guidance in great faith. Thanks Jim for the topic, I think I went a little farther than Obama's controversial speech though.
Friday, September 04, 2009
Just Believe!

If you are struggling with your faith right now, you are not the only one I am sure. We're buried in a lot here on earth, and Satan is a tricky and evil player. I know that every bad thing that occurs is derived from him. Because God doesn't want any harm to come to his children at all.
There are people in this world that are deciding a lot of different things right now. Making decisions that could harm themselves or destroy their lives forever. When temptation comes to knock on the door of our lives, it usually doesn't give us enough time to think about what we are doing. We just end up doing it and suffer the consequences later. We live in a world that is constantly trying to reach out to our sense of satisfaction. Money is what all people believe will satisfy our lives. It won't! We're always pressured to buy products that will satisfy all our needs in life. But they don't! So we continue to try and figure out what can bring hope in this life. Nothing that is touchable will ever bring us complete hope for satisfaction in life. Many go to the bars to hopefully put away their sorrows for a little bit, yet it never happens. We are seduced by sex from another person, and that doesn't do nothing, but create more caous. Where do we go? What do we do?
I know you know that I am probably going to say God. And I am! There is hope for a lot of satisfaction in the Living God. The past two days off I had, I got a chance to be alone with our creator. The house was peaceful, nobody was home. So I read a lot and wrote some more on this supposed book I am writing. It was nice because I learned a lot about satisfaction through reading and about asking God to give me his view of the world. To see what he values and what he wants my life to be. I read about how Jesus saw the world, compared to our lousy view. When you try to change your view of life and try to see the world as Christ saw it, it really brings a warmth to your heart.
WWJD (What would Jesus Do?) makes sense. How would Jesus handle our unsatisfied lives. What would he tell us to do? I'm sure if Jesus were here physically and I told him I was bored, what would he say to that? I can't imagine the to do list he would have for me. I believe He would take me on a tour that would blow my mind. The hurting people he would tell me about that needed help. The homeless people he would tell me to feed and clothe. The abandoned children he would tell me about that needed hugs. He would have a huge list of people who were mourning a loss of a loved one that needed comfort. The sick and shut ins he would tell me about who need a prayer and a good conversation. But, His number one rule and his only rule would be "Have great compassion." How would I have time for all that? I think He would make the time for me to do it all, a whole lifetime to get things done.
I have come to realize how compassionate Jesus was then and is today. Our decisions in life are probably not the choices He would make. I don't see Jesus worrying about his stocks going to pot or that his career is the most important thing in his life right now. I don't see Jesus making any of our decisions we make, except the one's that are selfless. The decisions we make about whether God or science has it right or wrong. He knows that answer because he is a major part of the Trinity. Our hopes and decisions in life need to be Christ like. What Would Jesus Do????? What is our first step in this messy world? I would first just "Believe" in Him and the rest will fall into order. We will still constantly be battled. For we our in a war between Heaven and Hell and our lives will continue to be flung around. But just "Believe in Him" and that will be the best decision ever and do what is on His list. There you will find a life satisfied.
Thursday, September 03, 2009
Seeing With God's Eyes

I learned in a book I am reading titled, "The Beautiful Fight" on how to see with the eyes of God. The things we see with our own eyes is materiel things. He was describing taking off in a plane and passing the huge houses zooming past as they launched off the runway. As the plane ascended the houses got smaller and smaller. They seemed to be so small in size that their importance became less important. In God's eyes that is how he sees things on this Earth. Our material possessions that seem to be so important to us and puff up our pride is of no importance to our Father in heaven. He states we cannot impress God.
So he prayed to God and asked, "Lord, help me to see this world with your eyes. Otherwise I might value what you despise and despise what you value." Our world has truly been corrupted by Satan. He has set our values on things seen and not on what God wants us to see. Our lives should be on the people who have been rejected by this world. We should give our lives to everyone in need, and not our needs. We need to look at the riches from God that surround us daily. We should always look to what God has given us spiritually and not be in want for more worthless things. We should always desire Him and look at the Earth and find there is nothing worth desiring but Him.
Have we stopped seeing people as important and instead stare persistently at possessions, power and pleasure? Have we become so vain in this world that we have become spiritually blind? We see the seen as more comforting than the spiritual things God has intended for us to see. When I write on topics like this I am not just writing to others I am also writing to myself. None of us are perfect, but we all fall into this category of loving the world and not seeing the real reason for being here. Our eyes need to see what God sees as important. We can't deny that we judge people by the way they act or look, it's Satan's game and he loves to deny us holy eyes and give us a false vision of our true selves.
It drives me nuts to see the TV evangelists ask for money and talk to their flock about gaining more money because they love God. God may bless us in some ways with money but there is a reason he gave us money. Not to comfort ourselves but to give others the comfort we are enjoying. God wants our lives to be comfortable but not to the point where we are looked up to as untouchable or more important for others to come to us for help. Live humbly, live Godly, live as Jesus did.
For he had no possessions to give. When asked to pay taxes to Caesar he pulled a coin not out of his pocket but out of the mouth of a fish. Jesus came so that he could allow the blind to see and those who saw to become blind. If you want to see like the living God read about the life of Jesus in the four gospels. You don't ever see Jesus talking about his new house he is building or about his new car he bought with the shiny thousand dollar rims. He doesn't pull out a gun and do a drive by shooting because the Pharisee's disrespected him. No Jesus lived for others! He lived to save the world from the grips of Satan and his demons. He came to give to those whom the world rejected to show the mighty power of God.
Jesus didn't Facebook all day he healed and preached till he was completely worn out. Jesus became the example of God's eyes here on Earth and 2000 years later we are still not seeing like he does. What is wrong with us? Let's put our lives on the back burner and give ourselves to those who need our help and then we will reap the rewards in heaven. God bless!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Been Awhile, sorry

It's been awhile since I posted anything. I haven't seen any reason to write because my readers have fallen off lately. So I felt I was just writing to myself. Today I looked at the amazing beauty of the clouds. God is amazing in his ability to give us a wondrous creation to look at. I stood in awe today. God is wonderful, and yet many still don't believe. If they would just open their eye's and look at what is in of them they would realize all that is, just didn't happen. It was created.
I am excited that college football kicks off this weekend and the NFL kicks off on the 10 th. Can't believe it's already that time of year. I am from West Virginia so that is who I route for and a little bit for Ohio State and very little for Arkansas. So go WVU!
I have learned a lot this past couple of weeks through some really good books. Some I have read are Through painted desserts, To own a dragon - both written by Donald Miller. Great writer.
Enjoying God, by SJ Hill. Very good book. And another author who's books are dated back in the 80's, but have been reading a book of his called- "Who switched the price tags.' by Tony Campolo. It has been a really good book. So, if you are looking for something to read here's a few.
I started working on the first chapter on a book the other night. It turned out pretty good, but it will be a long time bfore I will ever finish it. A work in progress. I need your prayers. Have a good tuesday,and God bless.
Wednesday, August 19, 2009
Saturday, August 15, 2009
Our Fear

This is a picture of our cat Shelby. She has it made around here as you can tell by this picture. Her life seems to be so easy. She wakes up in the morning and waits by the back door for us to open it up. She stretches and makes a funny noise and heads right to her food and water. She sleeps a lot and lets us know when she wants to go out and roam. She'll come back and wants our attention by laying on the floor and rolling around. She really is a sweet cat. Very gentle with the kids and especially Macy. Macy is our middle child and is very focused on her tasks at hand. That being annoying her brothers or picking up the cat and carrying her around like a football. She reminds me of the little girl on the movie "Finding Nemo." That girl was rough with all her pets, but Macy is very good with the cat though.
I sometimes am jealous of the cat. I wish Iwas her and didn't have to deal with the problems in life. I'm sure when she goes outside she isn't worrying about other cats saying awful things to her. She doesn't have to listen to other cats talking bad about other cats either. Her only dilemma is not getting hit or being attacked by another cat or animal.
Our lives our different from cats though. We do sometimes have to worry about outside dangers also. But, we have to deal with and listen to all the junk the world and its inhabitants bring about all the time. I have come to realize why Christ said for us not to love the world or anything in it. I
am to the point that I really don't like anything in the world sometimes and I don't tolerate people in the world either. As an adult, you start to see the lies of Satan and man. You don't trust as much as you did when you were little. Every situation you look at it closer. You analyze it more. You don't allow certain people in your circle. Our trust has gone down the tubes as adults. We know more about hurt and sin. Emotions play more in our decisions than they did when we were young.
I have seen how "Fear" plays an important role in our in our country. The recent fight over health care reform is stirring the fears of many. I haven't had much fear about it though. Many are upset about it for many reasons though. The 3 factors I see in all this mess is three factors involving a fear about something. 1) Fear of losing their freedom in this department. There are so many people fearing this admistration is going to take away our freedom. People fearing communism is going to reign in our country. That is just crazy! If people would listen to the President and not listen to all the other crap everybody else is saying, things would make sense. He has clearly stated the reasons and it not communism or socialism.
2) Fear of losing money. Money is our driving force in our country. If we don't have it we will just die. I don't think we would die without having a lot of money. Money only has any value because we give it value. We love having it and fear when we don't. Money is the root of all evil but also the root for fear.
3) Fear of losing our status as a country and as human beings. When we were hit on 9/11 we feared everyone. Everyone who wasn't white or from this country we feared. I did too. But, then God knocked some sense into me and allowed me to quit being afraid. And I did!
So we started our ships and flew our planes over two countries and bombed the snot out of them. One to show our power in the face of fear and second to show them we were mad and scared all at once. Avenging the country instead of the persons involved in doing the awful act did nothing but stir up the hornets nest. So the hornets flew and got mad and started our fear again.
Fear gets us no where in life. Love will get us farther. Yes, it will take longer than just dropping a BOMB. But fear does not help us get to heaven, love does. All over the TV there is fear. We can't get over our fear, because people are constantly driving more fear. How do we get over our fear? It's easy trust God and read his words in the Bible. That is how I have gotten over this fear that the world tries to instill in us. When somebody says to fear something I don't. I pray and look for his answer. I guess you would call it a cat philosophy. But, there are things I do fear though, I just have to work it out. But, don't you see the fear out there in the world? Some of it is just to scare us, when it really is nothing to fear at all. Then there are some things that are legit to fear and I do fear them. And it is stupid to fear, but we do.
I think we should live like the cat. Don't have any fear and know someone is going to be there take care of our needs. She does and lives like a queen. If we would trust God and have great faith in him, things wouldn't be so scary. I saw a sign at a church that read, "Faith can see what eyes can't." That is so true! Can you imagine how much better we could see the world if we looked through the glasses of faith. We could see through all the lies and fears of the world. We could see what God sees. WOW! How easy is that?
Monday, August 10, 2009
Missing The True Meaning Of Being A Follower Of Christ

Lately I have been reading the writings of Donald Miller. He is the author of the book, "Blue Like Jazz." So far I have finished two of his books, and I have seen his point clearly. Our world is strapping us down and forcing us to swallow it's way of thinking. Through politics, advertising, Television and even the way we think as Christians. We are really missing the point of serving and loving The Son of God.
Many Christians have tried over the years to bring God in our government. Like falling to things like The Republican party as the Christian party. Trust me that party is far from a Christian party. Many fell for the crap that people made us to believe about Bush and his Christian party. It fell way short of Jesus and his teachings. Yet many are so hard headed into believing stuff like this, it just blows me away. Neither party is worth calling the Christian party. Those representatives are just out for their own good. So they thought they could use the term Christian to get elected. I never believed it one bit. I really feel God is not in the business of politics at all. Jesus wasn't! God wants a faithful relationship with us not a political party.
All of us over the years have had troubles with judging others. I have trouble with doing such an ugly thing. When I feel I am going to judge someone now I say to myself, "They are a child of God, and You have no right to judge." Because I am no one special. So why do I do I need to say anything against them. I often say, "They are more special than I am, But we are all Special in God's sight." It's hard, but we can all quit doing it.
The world constantly beats us down, with the ads of beauty. You never see anybody on ads that are somewhat ugly. In the TV world everybody is beautiful. That's why it is fictional, yet we fall for it. In God's world all humans are beautiful. He looks from the inside out, He sees what we can't see. We could easily see it if we looked the way he did. Miller told of a story about a church that used beauty to represent its youth group. This church hassled and recruited the most beautiful people they could to join the youth group. So all the jocks and cheerleaders and all the popular people joined this group. They figured if beauty would come and all the rest would follow suit, because the group was pretty and people desire beauty over ugly and nerdy.
So the youth group had games they played and competitions among the different groups within the youth group. As a team would win the trophy the crowd would cheer as the handsome jocks won it every year. But one year a group of less pretty people won it, and as they went to get the trophy the crowd wasn't so cheerful. Because the most popular didn't win. That just irritated me as I read that. Ignorant people!!!!!!!!!!! He also was told a story about a church that was rather large and had a huge TV following. He knew of an usher that worked the services. He said they would tell him to seat the rather good looking people toward the front in case the camera panned over that direction viewers would see the beautiful people. Crazy!!!!!!!!
Doesn't Christ teach us to sit at the back not to sit at the front where all the hypocrites sit so everybody can give them the praise they want. I don't like the spotlight at all. I shy away from it. I'm not saying I am the most humble person in the world, but I don't like the attention. Our world continually shows us that we need to be noticed. It puffs our pride to own the best of things, to have the best job or have the best looking at our side. When you read the 53 chapter in Isaiah it states that Jesus was probably not the best looking of people. That people would shy away from him. Another sign of humbleness of God. While many looked for Christ to roll down from heaven in a throne of glory, it shocked them to see that he didn't. Christ came in the most humble manner and left in the most surprising of all. Dying for others instead of saving himself.
God wants us to a humble people. To be content with what we are and what we have. Live within our means not our dreams. I will never be a Michael Jordan or a Tiger Woods, yet I have the most precious gift of all. An eternal contract of love sponsored by the loving creator himself.
Live as a humble person and live forever. Less of self and more of others and Christ.
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